Page 11 - Issue 5 Cornwall Hill
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y wife Hanneke and I, and clarity and stability they want? tolerance and lots of prayer. It requires of us
our three daughters, have 3. What discussions are we taking part in that as parents to make some tough decisions that
been residents of Cornwall will help us shape our understanding of the might not be popular at the time. Leadership in
Hill Estate since 2001, having complex world we live in? any situation is not a popularity contest and this
bought our stand in 1997. 4. In whom are we placing our FAITH ? is certainly applicable in the family situation.
MThe opportunity to see the
estate, the school and the community grow over I believe that we should ask ourselves the The decisions we make in our family
the past 20 years has been such a privilege! following key questions to ascertain the level at environments have generational impact!
which we need to operate:
After a successful career in the corporate 1. Do I have CONTROL over the situation, for 3. Leadership of our businesses
world, I chose to leave it in 2006 and start my example world events? If you are in the fortunate position to play a
own company. Over the past 14 years I have, 2. Do I have INFLUENCE over the situation, for leadership role in business or run your own
together with my business partner, built a example local political challenges? business, I believe that you have a responsibility
successful business and executive coaching 3. Are there areas in which I can ACT differently to ensure that the following things are in place:
practice across Southern Africa. or RESPOND differently to, given the situation,
for example family and local community? • clarity around the vision or end game
During these last few years, South Africa has • clarity around the priorities for the business
had to face challenges from all angles - political, For many of us, we have very little or no control • clarity around the “rules of the game”
economic and social. When I observe and read over the first two areas, but we have control • a clear action plan
about what is going on in our beautiful country, over the third area, namely, areas where we can • clear roles and responsibilities for all team
I am often left perplexed and concerned. I respond to the challenges the environment is players.
have spent many hours thinking through the throwing at us. How much time and energy are
multiple challenges we face. During the course we allocating to the first two areas versus the The COVID 19 pandemic, despite the tragic
of 2019, the Lord gave me three words – HOPE, third one? Where are we expending our mental loss of lives and economic destruction it has
PURPOSE and INSPIRATION. It is these areas I energy? caused, has revealed one thing. In many cases,
would like to expand on. businesses had “cancer” long before COVID 19
So what? You may be left asking. came along. All that the pandemic highlighted
I am in contact with business owners across is that we lacked leadership and clarity of focus
many countries. As I listen to their concerns The people (our families, teams and in dealing with the issues we faced prior to the
about the challenges they are facing, I am left communities) we lead are looking to us to pandemic.
with one observation, which John Maxwell put provide HOPE, PURPOSE and INSPIRATION. In
so clearly: a world that is faced with large amounts of 4. Leadership at community Level
uncertainty, the one thing that many people are For many of us, this is the most challenging
“EVERYTHING RISES and FALLS on craving at this stage is some level of certainty or part. This is the area where we need to step out
LEADERSHIP” clarity. How do we respond to this? of our comfort zones and operate at a level that
ensures that the community we live in is left in a
In many situations around the world, the In his book Leadership, Strategy and Tactics by better position than it currently is.
absence of leadership is at the core of the Jocko Willink, he challenges us to take “extreme Some questions to ponder on:
challenge that is being faced. ownership” over every aspect of our lives that • what role can I play to serve the less fortunate?
we can control. I see too many people stressing • what skills and attributes do I have that can
In South Africa, I am left with the following about things or matters they have no control serve the community I live in?
observations: over, and abdicating responsibility for things • am I just a spectator on the sides, providing
• We think our situation is unique they can control. running commentary, or am I pitching in to
• There is a high level of despair assist where I can?
• There is a general belief that someone else In which areas do I need to play a leadership role?
must fix the problem – just not me. In closing, we have all been given different
1. Self leadership God-given talents and skills that can operate
In order to understand the role that I can play, Leadership starts with a willingness and ability at different levels of influence. We need to use
I believe that we need to be finding answers to to lead ourselves first. We cannot assume these talents to influence the world to become
some of the following questions. a leadership role for others if we have not a better place. It starts with influencing our
mastered the “leadership of self” first. families, to give them HOPE, to encourage
1. Is the world a better place? them to have a sense of PURPOSE, and to be an
2. Is South Africa a better place? In a world bombarded by information, false inspiration to them whilst encouraging them
3. Is the community within which I live and work as well as factual, we have a God-given to be an INSPIRATION to all those with whom
a better place? responsibility to take ownership of ourselves they come into contact. Change starts at family
4. Is my family in a better position? first, before we can play the role of leader to level!! In many cases, our people have lost a
5. Am I in a better place OR am I a better leader those we have been called to lead. sense of PURPOSE, of HOPE and have been left
to the people I lead? with high levels of insecurity.
What are we reading to help us shape our
It is very difficult to answer all these questions thoughts? It is our God-given responsibility to truly
in the space allocated to this article, suffice to Where do we draw our strength from? connect, converse with our families and friends
suggest the following: What inspires us and how do we inspire others? so that we are all in better place to “influence
What activities, thoughts or discussions drain the world” we live in.
1. What are you reading that is giving you us?
answers to the above questions? How do we look after ourselves – mind, body True leadership is demonstrated when times or
There are many studies that have concluded and soul? situations are not easy. Tough decisions often
that the world we live in is in fact in a far better need to be made and we should not abdicate
place than it was say, 40 years ago. (Read 2. Leadership of our families that responsibility.
Factfulness by Dr. Hans Rosling). I believe that one of the cornerstones of any
society is the extent to which leadership is One of the primary responsibilities of a leader
Whilst I acknowledge that COVID has had a provided at a family level. There is a large is to influence those we come into contact with
profound impact on the economies of the amount of research that indicates that the on a daily basis. With this in mind, I leave you
world, I am convinced that in many cases the “community of the family” is now under more with the following quote:
recovery will come. threat than ever before. Yet it is the one area
2. What information are we gathering so that that we have complete control over. Is it easy? “If you want lasting influence in the
we can provide our families and teams with the Absolutely not! It requires lots of patience, some world….. influence your family”
Cornwall View • Issue 5 2020 9