Page 20 - Cornwall Issue 6 2021
P. 20
105 Witkoppen Road, Paulshof, Johannesburg
Ahead of the Game, Are you worried about wrinkles and
sagging skin? We caught up with the
Behind Every Child founder and medical director of Skin
Renewal, Dr Maureen Allem, who
shared some great insights on the
NOW MORE THAN EVER topic of anti-ageing.
geing is inevitable. Think of it as living, the gift of life,
and the experiences that come with it. A beautiful
notion, but perhaps some issues have cropped up
Aon your skin that concern you as a result of these
experiences. Emotional wellness and how we look is unavoidably
connected and inextricably linked.
Q: What steps can be taken to slow down the ageing process?
A: I approach skincare and wellness using four integral pillars, all of
which need to be adopted for healthy ageing. Understanding these
four pillars and how they work, not only for your skin but for your
overall health, means a journey of prolonged wellness.
The four to focus on are Skin Renewal’s innovative use of injectables;
ongoing in-clinic treatments such as skin needling and laser; the
use of proper medical grade cosmeceutical products at home; and
nally, the fourth pillar is the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
Dr Maureen Allem
Q: When should one start a skincare routine?
A: As with most things, prevention is better than cure, and I
encourage my patients – regardless of gender and skin type – to doctors at Skin Renewal are able to advise patients on the best
have a proper skincare routine from their teens. Unfortunately there supplementation and lifestyle choices to aid with gut health and
is no magic bullet for skincare and thus it is essential to instill good to optimise the foundational pillars of health. These include quality
habits from a young age. One of the major contributing factors to sleep, stress management, nutrition and exercise. All of the above
premature ageing and pigmentation problems is unprotected sun need to be addressed in the quest for a healthy lifestyle and the skin
exposure. Thus applying a broad-spectrum anti-oxidant sunscreen one desires.
daily which includes protection against UVA, UVB, infra-red A and
High Energy Visible Light is a must for everyone. This is especially My team of highly experienced medical doctors in conjunction with
true for people sitting in front of blue light screens all day. The use our therapists and world-class technology can ensure that all Skin
of powerful internal anti-oxidant and sunscreen supplements like Renewal patients enjoy a journey which results in them becoming
Glisodin, Heliocare or Pycnogenol are also recommended. the best version of themselves.
Q: At what age should one start with injectables?
A: It’s a question of when they’re needed. Using small quantities
We are a family that helps grow young people, of injectables at the rst sign of a wrinkle or furrow will prevent Skin Renewal Fourways located at: Cnr
the wrinkle from forming any further and will stimulate collagen
Witkoppen Rd and The Straight Ave Pineslopes
based on Christian values, for their big futures. production in that area. Small quantities early on will alleviate the Shopping Centre, Fourways
need to use signi cant quantities in your forties, fties and sixties.
Q: Lastly, what helps support a healthy lifestyle and skin Tel: 011 467 8742
Grade 000 – Grade 7 | wellness?
A: To really ace anti-ageing, a holistic approach is essential. I believe
that ones skin is the dashboard of your body. The medical aesthetic
Fourways Gardens • 35 • December 2021
18 Cornwall View • Issue 6 2021