Page 27 - Cornwall Issue 6 2021
P. 27
miniature sewing. She made some of couture dresses, wedding dresses,
the bedding and also lined the Dracula hats and other items).
coffin in which he so peacefully • Ballroom with 20 seat dining table.
sleeps. The sewing shop is therefore
called Buttons & Bows, Miems and Will all these dolls’ houses stay with
Co. Preserving these memories is me?
important to me and gives meaning to No, this was never the idea. I have a
many of the scenes. project planned to donate some of
the dolls’ houses that I complete. The
Sometimes when I purchase items idea is to identify organisations in
in a lot, I receive some broken need and to then have companies and
furniture and/or houses. I then restore individuals pledge money for them. All
these items and, once finished, the the proceeds will go to the identified
transformation is remarkable. organisations. What would be great is
if the winning company or individual
Why the Dracula Chambers? that pledges money, would consider
As a young girl I was fascinated by further donating the dolls’ house to
Dracula movies. I found the attractive, child welfare, where the houses are
well-mannered, and sometimes used in role play with children who
romantic man with the sleek black hair have been in abused situations. This
quite amazing. Consequently, it had would be a win-win situation all the
to find a place in the miniature worlds way.
that I create.
I was recently requested to appear
What do I see in this, my ideas and on Kwela (Kyknet) where a bit of my
what do people say about it? story will be told. I never expected
These are worlds in which you could that my passion and hope to help
disappear if you were able to shrink others would be aired on TV and I’m
yourself. It is like watching a movie hoping that the exposure received
except there is no end, because will help me to achieve my objective
the world of wonder created is still in assisting organisations in need. An
there the next day. When people see Instagram page (Poupée de Couture) is
this, they are amazed and cannot also in the process of being developed
stop looking. They cannot help but to further create an awareness of the
stand still when having to pass the projects and the ultimate objective of
Pinocchios and other things at the donations.
front door, and then they hit the
miniature world – it’s a little magical. Thank you for allowing me the
opportunity of sharing my wonderful
I never know what to say when journey and magical world with you.
people ask me where I get the ideas
from. They just spring into my head. PS. If anyone would like to
Sometimes I see or buy something, come and view my collection,
and it will just fit into a particular please do not hesitate to
scene. Most of my projects include contact me via WhatsApp on
gardens, flowers or trees as I love 082 467 9291.
gardening and I am a bit of a “tree
Other dolls’ house projects?
I definitely have other dolls’ house
projects, as this is always a work in
progress, even for those projects that
are “complete”.
The Lundby dolls’ houses must be
restored authentically. There are three
more of these, including furniture and
people on the way, and this is one
of the most challenging things that I
probably will ever have to do.
I have three other vintage heirloom
dolls’ houses that must be built and
about five others to be revamped.
The following new 1:12 projects are
also underway:
• Church The 'Kwela' team interviewing Serena at home
• Fashion house (models and haute
Cornwall View • Issue 6 2021 25