Page 11 - Cornwall Issue 3_2023
P. 11


                JUST ANOTHER
                J   U        S    T A                 N        O        T       H        E      R

                       S     OA               P      O           P     E      R        A       :
                       SOAP OPERA:

              D     I F   F   E   R    E    N    T    P     E   R    S    P    E   C    T   IVE        S

                              BY M I C H E L L E D U P R E E Z  •  I M AG E S BY I VA N M U L L E R

               t is Monday morning and time   Eleos last year and you can only hope   outs, but earnings. Each bath bomb you
               to get the kids ready for school.   and pray that there will be another   pressed by hand, each soap poured and
               There are no lunches to pack,   sponsor this year. You dread the extra   each blister from handling hot candle
               but you know that they will   winter expenses for medicine which   wax will translate into a cumulative
               get sandwiches at the Eleos   will be inevitable and endless; if one kid   amount of a few hundred rand – and
         IAfterschool Care Centre when       gets sick, they all get sick and this cycle   that money is what you will use to take
         school is done. You see the older kids   repeats for the whole winter…every   care of your family as best you can.
         off as they walk to school, you grab   year. The clinic never seems to have
         the rickety stroller and then usher the   anything in stock but Panado, so no   As a social worker with 18 years of
         younger kids out of the gate to walk   hope of any antibiotics or cough syrup   experience, the Soap Opera project is a
         them to primary school. Then you force   to help ease the burden.  Some days you   dream come true. Social workers need
         the stroller around (it is a miracle if all   wonder if this merciless cycle will ever   to believe that it is possible to bring
         four wheels face the same way) and   break or get better.              hope, knowledge, insight and change –
         rush towards what is affectionately                                    in that order – and that is no easy task!
         known as the Baby House in Booysens,   Pulling your shoulders back – you
         Pretoria West.                      remind yourself that that is why you   Eleos Community Centre has been
                                             “work” at Soap Opera as often as you   bringing hope to the women of
         Monday morning is Soap Opera        can. It may not be a proper “job” or a   Pretoria West for 25 years. Knowledge
         morning, where you “work” from          stable income, but if the project can   is provided through weekly programs
         9am – 1pm.  Some of the other women   manage to sell enough products, there   focused on better parenting skills,
         are already there, depending on how   will be a small profit distribution at the   rights for women and children, support
         far they had to walk.  They look equally   end of the month. Depending on the   systems for women and children as well
         tired and stressed, but greet you with a   amount of days you were able to work   as their holistic development through
         smile – you are all here for a common   and the profit made from sales, you will   spiritual, emotional, educational and
         purpose and the kinship you feel with   get your share of earnings. That’s right –   physical support. Eleos also provides,
         them gives you a surge of energy. You   earnings, because you will have earned   inter alia, food parcels, clothing and
         all face the same troubles in varying   it fair and square. Not charity or hand-  furniture. All of the aforementioned are
         degrees, and it helps to know that you
         are not alone. Just maybe you can make
         it - together.

         Too soon it is 1pm, you grab the stroller
         again and walk back to the primary
         school to get the younger kids home.
         At least you had a coffee at the Baby
         House. Time to start worrying about
         dinner even though you don’t know
         what the kids will be eating tonight.
         The cupboards are empty again, and
         the monthly food parcel you get from
         Eleos will only last so long – even if
         you stretch it. Between electricity,
         medicine, nappies for the baby and
         small essentials like candles for load
         shedding, you don’t even bother to
         work out where your child support grant
         went so fast. It’s hard.  You are worried
         about winter’s approach; you know you
         are not prepared for the cold, the kids
         have all outgrown the winter jacket
         (yes, singular) that they received from

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