Page 31 - Cornwall Issue 6 2024
P. 31


             n this digital age where screens   is derived from wood, it acts as a carbon   Include variety if you’re already a big reader:
             dominate daily life, the idea of   sink, storing the carbon dioxide absorbed by   If you love fiction, challenge yourself to give
             reading a physical book, magazine   trees during their growth. This sustainable   non-fiction a try. You might find that topics of
             or newspaper may seem old-    cycle continues as harvested trees are   a different nature create a more balanced
             fashioned. The Paper Manufacturers   replaced with new saplings, ensuring   intellectual ‘diet’. Similarly, if you prefer
       IAssociation of South Africa (PAMSA)   that wood and paper remain renewable   reading in a digital format, which
       suggests that reading paper-based material   resources.                  offers convenience and accessibility, add a
       can be compared to maintaining a healthy                                paper book once in a while to offer a well-
       diet.                               Digital devices are often considered ‘eco-  rounded counterbalance.
                                           friendly’, however e-readers and tablets
       Jane Maloney, executive director of PAMSA,   require significant resources to produce,   Bring and share: Just like we bring a plate
       says that just as a balanced diet is vital   and irresponsible disposal contributes to   of eats to a social gathering, take along a
       for our physical health, so print and paper   electronic waste. Additionally, the energy   book that you think a friend may enjoy. You
       provide benefits that nourish the mind in   used to power and recharge digital devices   can also donate books to a charity shop or
       ways that digital formats can’t. “Reading   can add up over time.       second-hand bookstore.
       paper books feeds the mind through
       a more captivating experience, where   BOOKS HELP TO DIGITALLY DETOX    Jane Moloney concludes: “From my own
       readers can absorb ideas and develop a   Addiction expert Dr Anna Lembke, in her   experience, I find that paper books truly
       deeper understanding of the material,” she   article entitled Constant Craving: How   nourish my mind. They help me relax,
       explains.                           Digital Media turned us all into Dopamine   disconnect and escape into another world.
                                           Addicts, says that our smartphones are   In an  ‘always on’ world, books remain my
       Digital platforms are notorious for their   making us dopamine junkies, with each   healthiest choice.”
       distractions such as adverts, hyperlinks   swipe, tweet and like feeding our habit.
       and notifications that draw our focus away   We’re forever ‘interrupting ourselves for a
       from the core content. In contrast, paper   quick digital hit’.
       books provide an uninterrupted reading   Opting for a magazine or paper book over
       experience, allowing for deep engagement   digital content can help mitigate digital
       with the content. People benefit from the   overload, much like avoiding sugar or
       more deliberate pace of reading paper-  alcohol can curb unhealthy cravings.
       based material, which enhances the
       understanding and retention of information.   TIPS TO GET YOU READING MORE
       This is attributed to reduced distractions   PAPER BOOKS
       and the physicality of paper, which   Read at regular intervals: Carve out ten
       enhances spatial awareness and allows   minutes each day to read a magazine,
       for pen-to-paper annotations. An article   newspaper or novel. You can even read
       in Psychology Today entitled The Case for   while enjoying breakfast or lunch, or treat
       Paper: Books vs E-Readers, states that   yourself to coffee and cake with a book as
       turning pages in a book creates an ‘index’ in   your date!
       the brain, mapping what we read visually to   If you’re a new reader, opt for bite-size
       a particular page.                  reading: Large, hardback books can be
                                           daunting, so opt for short, ‘snackable’
       Just as consistent, healthy eating is key   ones. It’s a great way to feel a sense of
       to physical well-being, regularly reading   accomplishment when you finish them.
       paper books cultivates strong mental   Discover the pleasure of your favourite
       habits such as concentration, memory   topic: Most people have a favourite meal
       and critical thinking. Eating isn’t just about   or treat, so find out what type of reading
       nourishment; it’s also about savouring taste,   material brings you the most pleasure. It
       texture and smell. Reading paper books   might be fiction in the form of romance,
       appeals to our senses in a way that digital   comedy or suspenseful thrillers, or non-
       books fail to do. It has something to do with   fiction on a range of topics.
       the sensation of running our hands over a
       beautifully illustrated or embossed cover,   Keep ‘reading snacks’ in your car, handbag
       or leafing through the pages. There is also   or laptop bag: While waiting in a queue,
       the appealing smell of a new novel, or even   doctors’ rooms or sitting in the car, most
       yellowed ageing parchment.          of us will reach for our mobile phones and
                                           scroll mindlessly through social media
       PAPER BOOKS ARE AN ‘ORGANIC’        platforms. Instead, make sure you have a
       CHOICE                              book or magazine on hand to while away the
       Paper books store carbon and since paper   time and feed your mind.

                                                                           072 543 0022

                                                                                            Cornwall View • Issue 6 2024
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