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from the editor

            REFLECTING ON

            LIFE IN SA THIS


                     ur articles in this issue are a mix
                                                speedy get-away. ‘Follow-you-home’ criminals
                     of the good and the bad. On
                     the bright side, we look forward   are becoming more brazen and actually
                                                entering gated complexes behind vehicles to
            Oto Heritage Day, aka National      rob the drivers of their valuables. Cybercrime
            Braai Day, on 24 September and, to help   has escalated dramatically, too, and in this
            you celebrate this extra-special day, we’ve   issue, Josh Truter takes a look at this facet of
            included some super recipes for you to share   the ‘crime profession’ that has infiltrated our
            with your family and friends.       homes.
            For the gardening enthusiasts, we have some   Crime, it seems, knows no boundaries and
            tips on how to make your own compost so   has no conscience when it comes to where it
            you can nourish the soil in your garden ready   dares to find its victims – even our children
            for summer. And James Clarke shares his   have become easy targets. Unfortunately, as
            enjoyment of the increasingly fashionable use   parents, we can’t be constantly looking over
            of water-wise succulents in residential estates   our children’s shoulders, but we do need to
            and suburban gardens.               be aware of what’s out there so we can offer
                                                some form of guidance, at the very least.   in’ when joining, you give TikTok permission
            On the more sombre side, there has been                                  to collect your phone and social network
            an escalation in all types of crime. The   The use of social media by our kids has   contacts, determine your GPS position, store
            soothsayers say that it’s to be expected due   become such an integral part of their lives   your personal information such as your age
            to rising unemployment, however, that point   and their addiction to all things involving   and phone number, and have access to any
            is debatable as most of the crimes seem to be   screens and electronic devices is making   content that you post.
            well-orchestrated and it’s more likely that the   them more vulnerable to exploitation on   Whether it’s TikTok, Facebook, Google, Twitter,
            opportunists have upped their game, rather   a number of levels. In this issue, Nicoleen   Tinder, Amazon or the thousands of other
            than it being because of an upsurge of crimes   Davies, Director of Life Talk, examines   apps and online facilities now occupying
            committed by the genuinely needy.   some of the hazards of the kids using the   the virtual arena, the big incentive for these
                                                Chinese-developed app, TikTok. Initially   operators is data mining. Once they have
            The tactic of cell phone snatching by pseudo-  released in September 2016, TikTok is now   collected and analysed the data . . . who
            pedestrians from real pedestrians has now   available in 40 languages. In essence, it’s a   knows where it ends up?
            developed into pseudo-runners following   vehicle for sharing short videos which, due
            other runners, with a back-up vehicle trailing   to its huge following across the globe, can   With the latest appliances also capable of
            behind to add extra muscle and ensure a   go viral relatively easily. If you choose to ‘opt   being rigged to the Internet of Things, one’s
                                                                                     entire household can be analysed and shared
                                                                                     with third parties if no restrictions are placed
                                                                                     on what these operators are allowed to
                                                                                     access. I’m not sure how much control we’ll
                                                                                     have on our lives and on our own behaviour
                                                                                     once chips are embedded in human brains,
                                                                                     but for now, let’s do what we can to take our
                                                                                     power back from the data manipulators and
                                                                                     the cybercriminals.
                                                                                     Till next time, take care and stay safe!

                                                                                     Warm regards,

                                                                                                            Ann Arnott

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