Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct_Issue 4_2022
P. 6


           t seems like we’re living in a
           crazy world of influences – and
           influencers, for those who are
           Social Media addicts. There’s
      Ia hangover from what our
       grandparents and great-grandparents
       believed, and in some countries,
       there were influences that stemmed
       from the aftermath of the World
       Wars, the Great Depression and
       similar calamities that evolved into a
       mindset of scarcity. Then there’s the
       influence of abundance. Fast food
       on demand, mass production leading
       to over-supply of products – putting
       pressure on consumers to eat more
       and buy more than they actually need.
       Conservationists have added a further
       dynamic to the mix – that of climate
       change and the impending extinction
       of some species of fauna and flora,
       which gives rise to mass anxiety over
       the state of our planet.
       The push-pull of too much, too       LOOKING FOR
       little, learning new technology,
       take a look at a number of facets of  QUALITY OF LIFE
       and dispensing with old habits can
       become confusing. In this edition, we

       our everyday lives that are worth a
       measure of contemplation.            Here’s a question for the foodies   activities of crime syndicates frustrate
                                            who are battling to limit their intake   the efforts of conservationists to
       Obesity is a pressing issue in many   – if there’s so much abundance of  protect endangered species. And yes,
       countries around the world and one   food, surely there will be enough   we should be worried, but not the
       could ask which mindset is causing   left over for tomorrow and the next  point of inertia. Something has to be
       this. Is it because of FOMO (fear of   day, so there’s no need to consume  done and, in another article, we see
       missing out)? Not understanding the   everything in one day? But then,   how Dingo Dinkelman is tackling the
       concept of abundance? Or is there    so many people were brought up      problem.
       a scarcity mentality that has been   with the “you must eat everything
       passed on from previous generations,   on your plate” syndrome – which is  With marketers constantly pushing
       causing people to over-indulge in case  possibly caused by parents desperate  our aspirational buttons, it’s easy to
       there’s a limited supply?            to get their toddlers to eat all their  be dissatisfied with our lot in life. And
                                                    vegetables. Some of it may   that’s why we have also included
                                                    be due to a fear of scarcity –   Michelle L Raymond’s article about
                                                    “think of all the starving kids   three ways to improve your quality
                                                    in Africa!” – so eat all the   of life. This is advice that you can
                                                    food that’s been dished up   follow, regardless of whether you’re
                                                    for you. Stress eating is also   rich or poor. Her solutions are not too
                                                    a problem for some people.   difficult to grasp, and as we head into
                                                    Regardless of what the      the winter months, we hope you’ll find
                                                    cause is, personal trainer and   even more ways to add quality, reduce
                                                    fitness guru Ezethu ‘Ezzy’   stress and enhance your health and
                                                    Salaze points out in this issue   well-being.
                                                    that obesity is becoming a   Till next time, stay warm and take
                                                    growing concern worldwide   care.
                                                    and a health threat that
                                                    needs to be addressed and   Kindest regards,
                                                    taken seriously.
                                                    The impending extinction of
                                                    many species of megafauna            Ann
                                                    (large animals) is also a
                                                    pressing matter and James                            Ann Arnott
                                                    Clarke asks the question: Is  
                                                    being too big dangerous?
                                                    Ignorance and lack of
                                                    concern over the well-being
                                                    of others come into play
                                                    when poaching and the
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