Page 46 - Dainfern Precinct Living June 2022
P. 46

Today's Child

                                            b.  Contraception – this is vitally     and guardians who refuse to believe
                                                important for both boys and girls,  a child who says she (or he) has been
                                                not only to prevent unwanted        raped. Paedophiles go out of their
                                                pregnancies, but to protect your    way to ingratiate themselves within
                                                teen from sexually-transmitted      a community. Parents may think
                                                diseases.                           they are the nicest people on the
                                                                                    planet. And the paedophiles often
                                            c.  Reputation. This is a tricky one    place themselves in positions of
                                                because peer pressure can be a      trust, where, even for the briefest
                                                huge influence on the choices that  time, they may have unsupervised
                                                teens make. It’s important for teens  access to kids. Strangely, if a kid has
                                                to understand that friends come     been acting out, a parent might
                                                and go – and just because the kid’s  side with the perpetrator, thinking
                                                current best friend decided to have  that their daughter is merely a
                                                sex with some random person and     drama queen seeking attention
                                                lose their virginity, it doesn’t mean  (which she may well be for more
                                                that’s the right choice for your teen.  sinister reasons) or that their son
                                                Losing your virginity is kind of like  is a disruptive rabble-rouser who
                                                jumping out of a plane without a    needs more discipline. In blended
                                                parachute – there’s no going back.  households, where there’s a step-
                                                You can’t ask for it back. Once it’s  parent and step-siblings who are
                                                gone, it’s gone. It’s the same with  always around, your kids might be
                                                getting a bad reputation – it’s the  scared to speak up. They may feel
                                                kind of thing that’s very difficult to  there’s never a right time to talk
                                                shake once it becomes entrenched    about an incident that happened
                                                in people’s minds or (worse) once   because the person that was the
                                                it’s gone viral via Social Media.   transgressor is always within earshot.

                                            d.  The result of bad choices. As this  The biological parent might regard the
                                                article focuses on teen pregnancy,  kid’s complaint as a form of jealously,
                                                one has to acknowledge that     rather than the reality of what’s going
                                                having a girl-child fall pregnant  on in the home. To help you navigate
                                                when she’s too young ruins lives –  through the morass, one suggestion that
                                                whether the choice is for her to get  might help, is to agree on a private code
                                                an abortion or to follow through  word with each of your kids – something
                                                and give birth. A child between  that they wouldn’t normally do or like
                                                the ages of 10 (as indicated by the  – and get them to send you a message
                                                research reports) and 16 will lose  on your phone eg. if your kid is allergic
                                                out significantly on educational and  to dairy products, they might send a
                                                career opportunities. Choosing to  message saying, “Mum, please can we
                                                keep and raise a child when you’re  go for a milkshake?” It will have to be
                                                only a child yourself is definitely  something that will trigger an alarm
                                                life-changing in a negative way.  bell when you see it, and also remind
           there won’t be any interruptions,    It’s more than that – it’s a huge  you that you need to take your kid
           there’s a reasonable amount of       tragedy. It’s understandable that  out of the situation to neutral territory
           privacy and your kid is willing to   most girls who fall pregnant at this  where the two of you can have a private
           pay attention and chat about the     young age range would have been  conversation.
           topic.                               either raped or coerced into having
                                                intercourse – but this is exactly why  That said – in any event, having regular
        These are the topics that you can       parents have to be vigilant and  one-on-one ‘dates’ with your kids,
        consider talking openly about:          equip their kids with the knowledge  much like ‘date nights’ for couples, can
        a.  Sexual health and how your          of how to avoid (this would be the  go a long way towards establishing a
           tween’s body will change,            first prize) or get out of danger.  foundation where they feel secure and
           including how to cope with                                           loved. This may also be an excellent
           pimples and acne, personal       e.  Where to get help. This last point  way of setting your kids up for success –
           hygiene, and, for the girls, how     may well be one of the most difficult  whether it’s in terms of their sexual and
           to cope with those awful mood        to tackle. Even in this enlightened  moral behaviour, or their progress at
           swings every month!                  day and age, there are still parents  school.


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