Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct Living June 2022
P. 6

From the Editor

                                                                                residents are involved in at the Thabo
                                                                                Mbeki Informal Settlement. Some
                                                                                time ago, the establishment of a Skills
                                                                                Development Centre was proposed and
                                                                                Tiisetso Community Projects NPC was
                                                                                formed by a handful of enterprising
                                                                                individuals. What’s remarkable about their
                                                                                activities is their insistence on coming
                                                                                up with innovative ways to build using
                                                                                recyclable materials wherever possible.
                                                                                Their food tunnels have also been a hit
                                                                                amongst the local community, with
                                                                                vegetables grown not only to support
                                                                                the families of the farmers, but made
                                                                                available for sale to other families in the
                                                                                settlement – and a percentage of the crop
                                                                                is even set aside to donate to a feeding
                                                                                scheme that supports destitute families.

                                                                                With this month proclaimed as Youth
                                                                                Month in SA, we take a look at what’s
                                                                                happening in the sphere of Early
                                                                                Childhood Development (ECD) and
                                                                                Lynda Eagle, Academic Advisor at
                                                                                ADvTECH Schools, unpacks the essential
                                                                                ingredients of what parents should look
                                                                                out for when deciding on an ECD facility
                 elcome to our June edition   Local families, too, have been attracted   suitable for their child.
                 of Dainfern Precinct Living.   to the unique mélange of the facets
                 Our first ‘order of business’   making up urban life here. In property   Michelle L Raymond also gives school
       Wthis month is to thank Ann         industry-speak, the precinct is a mixed-  leavers some sage advice about
       Arnott for almost four years of dedication  use node made up of retail, educational,   navigating their life and career – and
       to building up this wonderful precinct   healthcare, commercial, sport and   whether they should choose to go
       magazine. Ann is heading off overseas   residential elements. This has been ideal   against or with the currents when doing
       to take on some really exciting projects   for those who don’t relish the endless   their career planning.
       and we wish her well for all her future   and often frustrating commute to and   Still on the topic of the welfare of our
       endeavours.                         from business districts, as well as schools   young people, Amanda Pillai shares
                                           and shopping centres further afield. One   some disturbing statistics related to
       For decades, the Dainfern Precinct has   can pretty much remain in the secure
       gained a reputation amongst expats for   bubble of the precinct and enjoy an   teenage pregnancies and goes on
       offering a secure luxury lifestyle, where   almost endless variety of activities – and   to examine and recommend some
       families were able to blend into the   with the Broadacres Drive Association   strategies that may help curb, and
       fabric of the precinct communities and   taking care to keep the precinct safe and   possibly halt this catastrophic trend.
       where their children have been able to   pristine, one can’t ask for more.  Nature lovers will be interested in the
       thrive. Some expat families have stayed                                  wonderful news that the Mabula Private
       for years, others stayed merely for a year   We had the privilege of being part of   Game Reserve has just released a pack of
       or two, and some have left and returned.   the Helderfontein Estate’s big reveal   African wild dogs in their reserve – while
                                           last month when we attended their    Casey Brown shares a fascinating story
                                           clubhouse complex roof-wetting. I call it   about how she discovered what the
                                           a complex, because the restaurant, bar,   different colours of dog leashes mean to
                                           terrace and meeting facilities are located   the canine community.
                                           in one building, while their gym has
                                           its own dedicated building – available   Enjoy the crisp days of our Highveld
                                           exclusively for residents to use. In addition  winter, and be sure to indulge in
                                           to enjoying commanding views of the   nourishing, hearty soups and casseroles.
                                           natural surroundings, the two buildings   Seems strange, but before we know it,
                                           have been designed to passively take   we’ll already be past the shortest day of
                                           advantage of natural sources of heating   the year!
                                           and cooling, such as sunlight and breezes,
                                           as part of the estate’s eco-friendly and   Warm regards
                                           sustainable building practices.                 Bev

                                           Following on from environmental
                                           responsibility, we also feature two                       Bev Hermanson
                                           reports about the social responsibility                           EDITOR
                                           projects that many of our precinct   

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