Page 16 - Dainfern Precinct Living issue 7 2022
P. 16

Health & Wellness

                                                                                                                  Image: National Cancer Institute

        involves a simple prick test or swab of the cheek that can be   over a padded box, while a low-dose X-ray machine captures
        done at a GP or clinic.                               images of your bones.
        5. PAP SMEAR                                          8. COLON SCREENING
        A pap smear is recommended every three years, starting from   The colon should be scanned for cancer from 50 years of age,
        the age of 25. Your doctor will take cells from your cervix with   and repeated every 10 years after that depending on the
        a small brush. These cells are then sent to a lab for analysis.   individual’s risk factors. It can be done at the doctor’s surgery
        There they will look for changes or abnormalities that may   or in hospital by way of a sigmoidoscopy where a lit tube and
        lead to cervical cancer.                              camera are inserted in the anus to examine the lower colon. A
                                                              colonoscopy involves a longer tube that examines the entire
        6.  MAMMOGRAM                                         colon. Your doctor will advise on how often it should be done.
        This is a screening tool for breast cancer, which involves
        compressing the breast between plates so that X-ray images   9. SKIN CHECKS
        can be taken. “As you age, your risk of developing breast   In SA, about 20 000 cases of skin cancer are reported annually,
        cancer increases. Women should start annual screenings at   which makes it the most common cancer in the country.
        age 40 and can then switch to biannual screenings at age 55.   Therefore, self-examinations should be done monthly at home
        However, if you have a family history of breast cancer, then   to check for any new moles or changes to existing moles. If
        talk to your doctor about starting screenings earlier,” Jennings   you find anything out of the ordinary with a mole, rather have
        advises.                                              it checked out by a GP or dermatologist.

        It's also recommended that you do monthly self-examinations   10. DENTAL CHECKS
        at home where you can check for lumps, bumps or any   Regular dental check-ups can prevent plaque build-up,
        changes.                                              cavities and gum disease, which makes seeing the dentist at
                                                              least once a year a must.
        7. BONE DENSITY
        To screen for osteoporosis (a disease that weakens the bones),   DON’T PROCRASTINATE
        a bone density test is recommended for women from age 65,   “Don’t put off making a doctor’s appointment for yourself
        but women with risk factors, such as fractures or low body   because you’re too busy taking care of everyone else,” says
        weight, should be screened earlier. The frequency of the test   Jennings. “Taking care of yourself should be at the top of your
        varies depending on bone density, but your doctor will be   list, not last. If you’re not taking care of your own health, how
        able to advise you on how often you should have it done. The   are you supposed to take care of others? Putting your health
        test requires you to lie flat on a table with your legs positioned   first isn’t selfish, it’s essential!”

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