Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 1_2023
P. 6





                023 is well on its way, and we   normalise certain things. We   reporting anything you think may be
                already find ourselves hurtling   obediently accept the help of the   suspicious and reaching out to your
           2toward autumn. The Dainfern      local hawkers acting as makeshift   neighbours so that you always have
           Precinct’s incredible shades of green   pointsmen without question. When   someone to call on and they know
           and bright summer gardens will soon   the lights go out in the supermarket,   you will return the favour.
           transform into the glorious golds and   we all pause patiently, wait for
           ambers that come with the changing   the generators to kick in, and then   I hope 2023 is treating you well so
           season. One thing we can be assured   continue our merry way.       far and I wish you the very best for
           of, is that regardless of the time                                  the remaining 10 months. Before
           of year, our precinct will stand out   But there is no denying that it is   we know it, we’ll be counting down
           as one of the most tranquil and   getting a bit much. However, when   to 2024, scratching out heads and
           beautiful places to call home.    you live in a community such as   wondering what happened.
                                             ours, there are always helping
           Way back in 1855, Reverend Henry   hands available and the power of   Kindest regards,
           Melville said, “We cannot live only   many minds to find ways around
           for ourselves. A thousand fibres   the problem. The Dainfern Precinct
           connect us with our fellow men.” And  embraces the community spirit every
           while he was most likely referring   step of the way.                              Nicola
           to the issues brought about by the
           Industrial Revolution and the social   If anyone is not letting load-shedding
           uprisings of the time, the words   get to them, it’s criminals. It offers so  
           remain true, regardless of where or   many more opportunities for them
           when in the world you find yourself.  to take advantage of vulnerable weak
                                             spots like automated gates switched
           South Africans are extremely      to manual, electric fences cutting
           resilient, and we have proven this to   out, and dead alarms that just can’t
           ourselves time after time, especially   keep up. This is why the Dainfern
           over the last few months. Perpetual   Precinct is prioritising security and
           load-shedding has started to eat   endeavours to protect its people and
           away at even the most positive    properties every step of the way.
           mindsets. It amazes me how we     You can assist by remaining vigilant,

    4 DPL issue 1 2023
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