Page 26 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 10_2023
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Health & Wellness
e all struggle to sleep adenoids, being overweight or obese. can.
at some point in time, Restless legs is another sleep disorder • Try to be consistent: go to sleep and
but sleep is something affecting teens, as is sleep paralysis. wake at more or less the same time -
Wthat needs our attention • Smartphones and other devices school nights and weekends.
because it is so important. Sleep is food used around bed time reduce sleep • Opt for relaxing before bed. Try
for the brain. Important body functions time. The short-wave blue lights on mindfulness activities, reading,
and brain activity occur during sleep. devices can delay the release of sleep- and taking a warm shower or bath,
inducing melatonin, they increase your instead of turning on the TV, phone or
Lack of sleep affects your mood, so alertness and reset your internal body computer.
you must prioritise sleep and focus clock, meaning you won’t get sleepy. • Cut down on caffeine or other
on healthy sleeping habits. Most Fluorescent bulbs and LED lights can stimulants, as well as soft drinks or
importantly, chronic sleep deprivation have the same effect. (According to energy drinks before bed time.
can affect your mental well-being and a study by Vic Health and the Sleep • Avoid playing violent video games or
reduce your academic performance at Health Foundation, teens who put movies before bed time.
school. down their smartphones an hour • Sleep in on weekends to try and make
before bed gain an extra 21 minutes of up for lost sleep!
WHAT AFFECTS SLEEP? sleep a night - that's one hour and 45 • Make sure your bedroom is dark.
There are various factors that come minutes over the school week). • Do things to reduce stress – eat well,
into play - stress, the blue lights • Puberty hormones shift a teen’s body exercise, have down-time with friends,
on our devices, medication side clock forward by about one or two laugh!
effects, substance abuse, physical hours, making you sleepier one to two • Try to add on 10, 15, even 30 minutes
discomfort (a stuffy nose or headache), hours later. This nightly ‘sleep debt’ of sleep a day – over a week that could
emotional troubles (family problems leads to chronic sleep deprivation. mean a lot of extra sleep benefit.
or relationship difficulties), an • Insufficient sleep causes your brain to
uncomfortable sleeping environment become more active, making you less TAKE A NAP!
(a room that's too hot, cold, bright, or able to fall asleep. Take a 1 hour nap (not more) in the
noisy) and mental health issues. afternoon – it will improve your brain
• Sleep disorders are another factor. WHAT CAN YOU DO? functioning and memory, will increase
Sleep apnoea is when you temporarily • Aim to get 8 - 10 hours of sleep. It’s your alertness, performance and
stop breathing during sleep. This could hard with the school workload and productivity, all whilst reducing stress.
be because of enlarged tonsils or sport, so try to plan ahead when you It also boosts your immune system.
If you are getting enough rest at night,
but are still feeling tired during the
day, it's a good idea to visit the doctor.
Excessive tiredness can be caused by
all sorts of health problems, not just
difficulties with sleep.
For more information
about Life Talk’s talks and
workshops that address the
challenges faced by us, visit
26 DPL issue 10 2023
28 DPL issue 9 2023 20 DPL issue 6 2023