Page 8 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 11_2023
P. 8
Home Front
In the heart of our 6. Infrastructure Upkeep: The Comprehensive
community, the Broadacres repair of the road near Mulberry Security Strategy
Security Strategy
Hill Office Park after more than
Drive Association (BDA) 12 months of liaising with the Mirroring the layered security of
a well-protected home, the BDA
JRA as well as regular road and
acts as a vigilant guardian, stormwater system maintenance provides the outermost ring of
safety for the Dainfern Precinct.
primarily focused on highlights the BDA's commitment This includes employing security
to infrastructure and public safety.
ensuring the safety and 7. Strategic Collaborations: personnel for constant monitoring,
covering over 7,000km in patrols
security of everyone in the Partnerships with local during the month, and making our
councils and the Johannesburg
Dainfern Precinct. This Roads Association for road neighbourhood less appealing to
opportunistic criminals. This strategy
role of the BDA, acting as improvements reflect the BDA's is akin to a house equipped with
various security measures like locks,
strategic planning for community
the first line of defence, is development. alarm systems, and electric fences.
not just vital but central in 8. Community Involvement: Residents,
Pedestrians and
maintaining the tranquillity The BDA's engagement in Pedestrians and
community decision-making
and security that defines our processes emphasizes their Visitors
dedication to addressing resident
neighbourhood. needs and preferences. The BDA's efforts extend beyond
surveillance. They create a secure
environment for homeowners,
Key Points
Key Points These insights underline the BDA's residents, pedestrians, and visitors,
Based on the BDA monthly report for integral role in ensuring safety, ensuring safety on Broadacres
November 2023 and the article, here managing emergencies, and fostering Drive and preventing potential
are concise key insights: community development in the security breaches. Their response to
1. Effective Crime Prevention: Dainfern Precinct. emergencies is prompt, as evidenced
The removal of 17 unauthorised by their handling of 2 fire incidents
Safety and Security:
vehicles and 238 unauthorised Safety and Security: and 7 accidents in November.
The Foremost Priority
Ubers and taxis exemplifies the The Foremost Priority Additionally, the management of
BDA's proactive approach in The BDA's most critical role in 61 alarms and 6 noise complaints
deterring crime. our community is safeguarding all showcases their commitment to
residents, a task they approach with addressing community concerns and
2. Emergency Response: stringent measures: maintaining a peaceful environment.
Handling 2 fires and 7 accidents, Immediate Response to Unauthorised Enhancing Infrastructure and
the BDA demonstrates readiness Activities
and efficiency in managing
emergencies. The BDA's proactive stance against
unauthorised vehicles and
3. Assistance with the recovery pedestrians is key to maintaining
of stolen property: The order. In November alone,
recovery of a hijacked vehicle their vigilance led to
underscores the BDA's vigilance the removal of 17
and impact on reducing serious unauthorised vehicles,
crime. 238 unauthorised
Ubers and taxis, and
4. Extensive Security Patrolling: assistance with the
Covering over 7,000km in successful recovery of
patrols, the BDA ensures 1 hijacked vehicle. This
a secure and monitored prompt action prevents
community environment. the onset of criminal
5. Maintenance of Peace: activities, acknowledging
Addressing 61 alarms and 6 that once crime gains
noise complaints, the BDA a foothold, it becomes
actively works to maintain challenging to eradicate.
community peace and order.
8 DPL issue 11 2023