Page 26 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 6_2023
P. 26

Food for Thought

                        AMAZING GATES


               t used to be no more than a weak joke,                 BUILD A MARRIAGE
               teasing residents of areas that were a tad
               too far outside our comfort zone, that we     4 WEEK COURSE:  9 JULY  |  16 JULY  |  23 JULY  |  30 JULY
           Ineeded a passport to visit them. Now it’s
            not so funny. Gone are the days, too, when
            it was simply a case of providing details and     All welcome - dating; engaged; happily married; unhappily married
            awaiting our host’s confirmation. Now, we
            need to scan our driver’s licence, vehicle disk,                 TOPICS INCLUDE:
            fingerprints, eyes and perhaps even a spot                     God’s plan for marriage
            of DNA, and that, just to get into the gated                        Gender roles
            community around the corner.                                       Commitment
            Access control is everywhere and it’s getting                    Conflict resolution
            more complicated. We wish it wasn’t                            Raising Godly Children
            necessary but we’re probably all grateful for its               Financial faithfulness
            protection, even as we’re constantly striving to                     Intimacy
            make it more efficient and effective. It’s nothing
            new either. Walls and gates have been around                 VENUE
            for as long as humans have been plagued by               Dainfern College
            the desire to take stuff that doesn’t belong to               TIME          Four Free
            them – longer actually.                                    11.30 - 13.30      Dates!
            In 2003, Peter Agre was awarded the Nobel
            Prize for identifying and describing gates that
            have always existed in biological cell walls. The
            cell walls keep undesirables out while the gates
            let pure water molecules in. Agre identified
            these gates as a family of proteins, now called
            Aquaporins. They are essential to the existence
            of plants, animals and bacteria. Their design is
            ingenious and supremely efficient. God makes
            awesome stuff. Each gate admits thousands             For more info visit
            of millions of water molecules per second
            and nothing impure gets past them. They
            restrict access based on what’s actually coming   bad. This idea may have been derived from the Bible,
            through, not on how it’s behaving, or what it appears   but it is not what it teaches. Jesus teaches that we
            to be.                                        enter into an eternal loving relationship with God
                                                          based on what we are, not on what we’ve done.
            There’s another set of gates that are also the subject   What we’ve done is merely evidence of what we are
            of jokes, the so-called Pearly Gates. There, after we   (Matthew 25:31-46).
            die, we are supposedly welcomed or refused eternal
            access based on whether our good outweighs our   He shows us that by faith in Him and what He’s done
                                                          for us, He transforms us into a new creation (John
                                                          3:1-21), one specifically designed for eternal life with
                                                          Him - a beloved creature that has passed from death
                                                          into life, one who knows that we are undeserving
                                                          and guilty of awful offences against God and others,
                                                          imperfect, but humbly yearning for perfection; a
                                                          creature who knows that God, by His grace, will
                                                          eventually completely purify us. Eternal paradise is
                                                          only a paradise if there is nothing impure in it. Thank
                                                          God that by His grace, He’s made a real way for us to
                                                          enter, not through a gate, but through a person, His
                                                          perfect and pure son, Jesus Christ.

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