Page 14 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 7_2023
P. 14

Home Front

                                                                                the immediacy and frequency of contact
                                                                                between loved ones. More immediate and
                                                                                effective than in the days of only letters
                                                                                and expensive phone calls, they are used
                                                                                to overcome the physical separation,
                                                                                maintain and reinforce transnational
                                                                                relationships and enable the parties to
                                                                                stay actively involved in each other’s lives.
                                                                                This ‘virtual’ bond makes it easier than
                                                                                ever before for various generations to stay
                                                                                close to family and friends.

                                                                                While much emotional investment goes
                                                                                into maintaining transnational contact,
                                                                                being physically together was found to
                                                                                be the ultimate goal of the parent left
                                                                                behind. The longing to be embraced, the
                                                                                touch and the handshake remained a
                                                                                hope and aspiration. However, if physical
                                                                                visits are not possible, never give up the
                                                                                effort of keeping in contact and sharing
                                                                                personal experiences and milestones.
                                                                                I want to encourage you to maintain
                                                                                multiple links to social networks and
                                                                                to master the latest communication
          migrate. The onset of the emigration   funerals are particularly difficult since   technologies to stay in touch. Migration
          experience for the parent left behind   they accentuate the loss, the feeling of   is about memory and, most importantly,
          commences when they are to deal with   what could have been, what should have   memory of relationships. The parent-child
          the fact that the child has physically   been. The parent left behind may feel   bond has the potential to endure even
          left and that the relationship as it was   ‘childless’ because they are unable to be   over multiple time zones.
          experienced has irrevocably changed. The   physically part of these special occasions.
          child has moved physically, not just from   They miss their grandchildren and   Each parent’s emigration journey
          the neighbourhood, suburb or town; they   mourn missed opportunities to develop   is unique with its own psychosocial
          have moved to another country, possibly   a bond with them. The ambiguity of   challenges and emotions. Emigration
          even another time zone. Therefore,   the situation makes it difficult to come   is seldom a singular affair; it needs
          there is a loss of proximity resulting from   to terms with the loss and there are no   to be regarded as an interpersonal
          geographical distance, which has a life-  prescribed rituals for dealing with it.   phenomenon. The way in which the
          altering effect on the relationship as it was   However, ambiguous loss is not always   parents attempt to make sense of this
          known. This type of loss is an example of   problematic – people can learn to live   life-changing decision has an effect on the
          ambiguous loss.                    with uncertainty.                  emigration journey. How does a parent
                                                                                find meaning in this ambiguous journey of
          EMIGRATION EQUALS CHANGE           The parent-child bond is the most   loss when their child emigrates? There are
          From the time the child decides to   fundamental of all human relationships   no clear-cut answers – finding meaning is
          emigrate, the process of change is set   and remains distinctive because of its   a very personal and complex challenge.
          in motion for all relevant role players.   capacity to thrive and endure throughout
          The child that has emigrated is physically   the life of both generations. Literature   However, folk wisdom declares that there
          unavailable, yet alive and mentally   studies of families in advanced age   are two lasting gifts parents can give to
          and emotionally still part of the family.   suggest that aging parents and their   their children – one is roots, and the other
          This ambiguity of the child being   adult children typically remain involved   is wings. The well-known wisdom of Kahlil
          simultaneously available and unavailable   with one another over the course of   Gibran concerning children says: “You are
          leaves many parents left behind unable   life. Geographically far apart and often   the bows from which your children, as
          to make sense of their circumstances and   separated by multiple time zones, they   living arrows, are sent forth...”
          they subsequently feel immobilised.  still constitute a family – they share a
                                             history and a future. This geographical   It takes a special parent to raise a child
          AMBIGUOUS LOSS                     distance implies a transformation of the   who has the confidence and courage to
          Ambiguous loss is a distinctive kind of loss   attachment bond as it was known and   undertake this daunting task – the journey
          that is immobilising, confusing and defies   the challenge is to maintain transnational   of emigration.
          closure. During my research, I found   communication in order to preserve this
          that the ambiguous loss experienced by   parent-child bond.             Dr Sulette Ferreira is a Family
          the South African parent left behind ran                                Therapist specialising in ambiguous loss.
          like a golden thread through the whole   The introduction of social technologies   To contact her, e-mail:
          emigration process. Ambiguous loss is   into the lives of these families gives
          an uncertain and incomplete loss that   distant individuals the means to manage
          obstructs grieving; it freezes the grieving   and maintain a connection. Modern   Ref: Ferreira, S. (2016). The Experience
          process. This type of loss is not always   communication technologies, for example,   of Parents Left Behind in South Africa
          recognised by society, and subsequently   email, SMS texts, WhatsApp, websites and   after the Emigration of their Adult
          the magnitude of the loss is frequently   Skype have created a ‘global village’ in which   Children: An Experiential Journey.
          not acknowledged. Special occasions   transnational families can communicate   PhD Thesis (Social Work). University
          such as birthdays, weddings, births and   with each other across the world, enhancing   of Pretoria.

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