Page 4 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 8_2023
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COLOUR, Hello Dainfern Neighbours, his paintings. He spends hours
bringing each of his visions to
life, adding colour and emotion
We're back with another
P A S SION heartwarming edition of our to our local landscape.
community magazine. This
As you go through this
time, we are catching up with
edition, you'll notice that,
an old friend, Bernie van
AND UNITY der Vyver, and introducing though Bernie and Richard
have walked different paths,
you to the vibrant world of
Richard Kupeta, two artists
to paint a beautiful picture
who, despite their different their works come together
backgrounds, are united in of a community united in
their love for the African its diversity and love for art.
wilderness. It's fascinating how their
art, rooted deeply in African
Bernie, who we have featured soil, blooms into creations
here before, brings the wild that connect us all, igniting
corners of Africa into our conversations and bringing a
homes through his stunning touch of joy to our lives.
bronze sculptures. His
childhood days in Bethal, May their stories inspire,
surrounded by nature, have uplift, and remind you of the
shaped him into an artist who incredible tapestry of culture,
can craft the raw beauty of passion, and unity that we are
Africa with a finesse that leaves all a part of.
us all in awe. Bernie's art brings
the wonders of the African
wilderness into tangible forms.
It lets us into his world, where
each creation is a story carved Nicola
in bronze.
Now, let's get acquainted with Nicola Killops
Richard Kupeta. Just a short
walk from the Broadacres
Centre, Richard paints vibrant
scenes celebrating South
African life. Richard is known
for capturing the simple yet
profound moments that define
our culture. His journey might
not have been easy, but his
determination and passion
for art shine brightly through
4 DPL issue 8 2023