Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 9_2023
P. 6
ith the festive season As we start counting down the days
just around the corner, to our holiday celebrations, don't
our Dainfern Precinct miss the handy guide included in this
WCommunity Magazine edition. It's full of practical advice on
couldn't be timelier, filled as it is keeping your home safe while you're
with useful information, community away and maintaining your peace of
updates, and helpful tips as we all mind whether traveling or staying
prepare for the holidays. put. It's a gentle reminder that a
bit of caution can go a long way in
One of the highlights of this issue ensuring a happy, hassle-free holiday
is the latest from the Broadacres season.
Drive Association (BDA). It's always
comforting to remember that we're The sense of community we have
part of something larger, a network here in Dainfern is something special.
of neighbours working together to As we prepare for the end-of-year
make our area a better place to live. festivities, let's look out for each
The BDA's efforts, mainly focused other and keep that community spirit
on improving our green spaces and alive.
strengthening neighbourhood safety,
make a real difference in our daily Here's to a safe, happy, and peaceful
lives. holiday season.
Speaking of greenery, isn't it
wonderful to see our communal
gardens and sidewalks looking so
well cared for? Small things like this Nicola
help create a welcoming atmosphere
in our community, and we have
initiatives like the "Green Makeover"
to thank for that.
Of course, we all know that feeling
safe is crucial to feeling at home,
and it's clear that the BDA takes
our security seriously. Adding
Thompson's Security Group's new
surveillance measures is particularly
reassuring. It's good to know that
professional help is at hand should
we ever need it.
6 DPL issue 9 2023