Page 20 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 11 December 2024
P. 20




               he festive season can be a magical   you value the time spent with them more   go-to plan for stepping away if things feel
               time filled with warmth, laughter,   than material things.       overwhelming. Remember, your presence at
               and cherished moments with loved                                 these events is enough—you don’t need to
        Tones. However, the rush of end-of-  TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF              please everyone.
        year obligations, family commitments, and   The holiday season isn’t just about looking
        the pressure to create the “perfect” holiday   after others—it’s also about looking after   CELEBRATE SMALL MOMENTS
        can leave us feeling frazzled. By planning   yourself. Whether it’s a quiet cup of tea, a   Sometimes, the simple things—a child’s
        mindfully and keeping things simple,   brisk walk, or an afternoon curled up with a   delighted face when lighting the tree, a
        you can focus on what really matters—  book, make sure you recharge. When you’re   shared laugh over an inside joke, or the
        connection, joy, and making memories.  well-rested and relaxed, you’ll have more   quiet stillness of a December morning—
                                            energy and patience to tackle the season’s   make the season feel magical. Take a
        PRIORITISE WHAT MATTERS MOST        demands.                            moment to soak these in and savour them.
        Before the season begins, take some time
        to decide what’s truly important for you and   NAVIGATE FAMILY DYNAMICS   A FINAL THOUGHT
        your family. Overloading your calendar with   WITH CARE                 The festive season is about celebrating the
        events or traditions that don’t resonate can   Gatherings can sometimes bring out old   things that truly matter: love, kindness, and
        lead to stress. Instead, choose a handful   tensions. Approach these situations with   connection. Let go of the urge to overdo it
        of activities that you all genuinely enjoy.   grace and humour. Avoid sensitive topics   and focus instead on creating moments
        Whether it’s a family movie night or baking   that might spark debates, and have a   you and your family will treasure for years.
        biscuits together, simplicity often brings the
        most joy.
                                                "Make sure you recharge. When you’re well-rested and
        KEEP EXPECTATIONS REALISTIC             relaxed, you’ll have more energy and patience to tackle
        We often imagine holidays that look like
        something out of a magazine, but real   the season’s demands."
        life rarely matches those glossy pages.
        Embrace the imperfections—they’re often
        where the best memories are made. A
        burnt pie or a last-minute gift swap can
        become the funniest story of the year.
        Remind yourself and your loved ones that
        the season’s spirit lies in togetherness, not

        Gift-giving can be tricky, but the thought
        counts—not the price tag. Set a realistic
        budget and stick to it. Like a jar of spiced
        nuts or handwritten note, homemade gifts
        often carry more meaning than store-bought
        items. Let your family and friends know that
                                                                            Pam van Wyk
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