Page 37 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 11 December 2024
P. 37

Pest control, Cleaning and Hygiene:
                       With over 46 years of experience in the industry, we specialize in providing solutions tailored
                       to meet the unique needs of both individuals and businesses. Pest: 012 656 1341 ; Clean:
                       012 654 5534
                       The leading name in plumbing and maintenance, now offering municipal water backup and
                       rainwater harvesting solutions. 012 654 2513 / 071 875 0218
                     SERVICE PROVIDERS

         MEDICAL SERVICES                    fatigue, health conditions...        other wildlife. 011 706 1381
         General Practitioner - Dr Vicki     REFLEXOLOGY can assist with all
         Schutte, Stratford Office Park,     conditions. Take time out - Relax -   Doggy Daycare- Chartwell
         Corner Valley and Cedar Roads,      Revitalise - Rebalance. Situated in   Daycare for Dogs! We collect &
         Broadacres. Contact                 the Dainfern Golf Estate. WhatsApp   return your dog daily. On holiday?
         011 465 6715 / 073 729 0959 /       or call 082 604 3996                 Your dog will be socialising and                                                 having fun while you're on holiday
                                             PEST CONTROL, CLEANING               or away on business. Puppy
         GENERAL SERVICES                    AND HYGIENE                          socialisation and general obedience
         BUSINESS AND EXECUTIVE              With over 46 years of experience     offered on Saturday mornings by
         COACH Call Cheryl on                in the industry, we specialize in    arrangement. Erin 081 849 4673
         076 979 0604 to arrange a           providing solutions tailored to meet
         COMPLIMENTARY, no-obligation        the unique needs of both individuals
         coaching session and discover       and businesses. Pest: 012 656        HotDogs Mobile Grooming Salon
         how you can achieve your goals –    1341 ; Clean: 012 654 5534           We take care of your best friends’
         what have you got to lose? Email:   Plumbing:                            grooming needs at your home,        The leading name in plumbing         inside our luxury fully fitted mobile
                                             and maintenance, now offering        salon. HotDogs offers you, the
         HOME CLEANING SERVICE               municipal water backup and           busy dog lover, a convenient and
         Clean My Space ZA                   rainwater harvesting solutions.      professional service. WE ALSO
         We are a Domestic Cleaning          012 654 2513 / 071 875 0218          GROOM CATS.
         Service offering peace of mind                                           Contact – 0861 000 777 or
         to homeowners. We exist to          SHUTTLE SERVICES                     083 641 7111. Email:
         ensure that household chores do     KVE Transport: Reliable transport
         not interrupt your already busy     for all your schooling, extra-mural,
         calendar. Book us daily, weekly or   and airport needs. Bookings:
         monthly on our website:             011 075 4540 / 082 497 7748          Soapy Smooches, or                                             The best in town! Give us a try – we
         WhatsApp 076 251 2263. If you       PET & HOME CARE / KENNELS &          conveniently come to your home
         prefer to speak to a human, call us   CATTERY / VET / BEHAVIOURIST       to pamper your pets in our fully-
         on 076 251 2263. Clean My Space     Animal Behaviourist (COAPE           equipped pamper van with animal
         ZA is based in Kyalami and services  qualified DipCABT) Is your dog/     loving, professionally trained,
         the neighbouring areas.             cat displaying a problem behaviour   caring staff. Collect your loyalty
                                             (aggression/ anxiety/fear/constant   smooches every time, 10th wash is
         HEALTH AND WELLNESS                 barking/separation distress/feline   free! All we require is a connection
         Healthy Living Water - KYK SA       scratching/inappropriate elimination/  to an electricity point and a tap
         Suppliers of medically certified    fighting) then understanding why     and then…a booking! To make a
         alkaline and hydrogen water         they do is the first step in the     booking, call or WhatsApp us on
         systems and equipment. We are a     behavior modification programme.     061 087 8247.
         world-class business dedicated      Jeanette Furstenburg 082 445 8422
         to promoting the health and well-         Why leave your pets alone and
         being of mankind. For more info                                          away from home in an impersonal
         visit:, email:        Bryanston Avian, Exotic and          kennel? Rather leave them in their or contact Eugene    Small Animal Clinic (Baesac)         own loving home in my competent
         Van Wyk: 087 109 0678               BAESAC is a mixed animal clinic      hands. Mature Lady with 20 years’
         082 855 4222                        treating and caring for  all small   experience will fill the gap that you
                                             animals. Not only do we treat dogs   leave. Please call Dee-Jean on
         TIME TO HEAL- REFLEXOLOGY           & cats,our expertise also extends    076 035 6908 /
         Colleen Qualified Reflexologist     to birds, reptiles, small mammals References
 6 DPL   issue 2 2023  Is your body out of balance? -   (rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas,   upon request (including Dainfern,
         suffering from anxiety, stress,     hamsters, degus), monkeys and        FWG, Cedar Lakes).

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