Page 6 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 2_2024
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Dear Residents Rome and famously the day Julius symbolises rebirth and new
Caesar was assassinated. beginnings.
March is here! After what felt like an • Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated • Lastly, March 14th serves as
extended bout of "Janu-worry" that on March 17th, honouring the 'International Pi Day' and Albert
seamlessly transitioned into "Febru- patron saint of Ireland and Einstein’s birthday, celebrating
worry," we are now welcoming a month bringing together communities in the infinite possibilities that
filled with promise and renewal. vibrant festivities. knowledge and discovery bring to
While many of us have only just bid • The March equinox, happening our lives.
farewell to our festive decorations, on March 20, 2023, heralds the
moved through the whirlwind of arrival of spring in the Northern As we move through the last month
Valentine's Day, and absorbed the Hemisphere and autumn in the of this first quarter, I wish you all
impact of the recent Budget speech, Southern Hemisphere, creating a wellness, joy, and the opportunity to
it's hard to believe that March has perfect balance of day and night. enjoy the remaining warmth before
already made its entrance. Notably, • The zodiac signs of March are the seasons shift. To those celebrating
this month gifts us two long weekends, Pisces and Aries Easter, may it be a time of peaceful
culminating in the Easter weekend. • Aquamarine and bloodstone, reflection and happiness with loved
Let's welcome these opportunities for March’s birthstones, are emblems ones.
rest and celebration with open hearts of courage.
and safety in mind. • This month commemorates the Here's to a March filled with growth,
anniversary of Alexander Graham discovery, and cherished moments
As we hurtle towards Autumn, I'd like Bell's first phone call on March within our beautiful, lush community.
to share some fascinating facts about 10, 1876, and the invention of Let's make the most of this enchanting
March that remind us of its unique Monopoly on March 7, 1933. month together.
place in our calendar and cultures: • March has been a significant
• March marks the beginning of month for inventors and celebrities
the year in the oldest Roman alike, with Coca-Cola being Nicola
calendars, originally spanning ten introduced in March of 1886
months until December. and numerous notable birthdays,
• The "Ides of March," known to us including Chuck Norris and Elton
as March 15th, was historically John.
a deadline for settling debts in • The daffodil, March’s birth flower,
6 DPL issue 2 2024