Page 16 - Dainfern Precinct Living Issue 8 2024
P. 16

        SPO TLIGHT ON                                                           corde to Zimbabwe, offering an unforgetta-
        LAURINDA BOW                                                           WINTER IN
                                                                                ble experience to those on board. But it’s
                                                                                not the grandeur of these events that she
                                                                                dwells on; instead, Laurinda speaks with
        A JOURNEY OF RESILIENCE AND INSPIRATION                                THE
                                                                                more pride about the personal connections
                                                                                she’s made along the way and the oppor-
                                                                                tunities to learn from others. “I’ve always
                                                                                sought out the paths less travelled, not for
                                                                                the thrill, but for the chance to create mean-
                                                                                ingful experiences.”
                                                                                FACING ADVERSITY WITH GRACE
                                                                                AND RESILIENCE
                                                                                In 2008, Laurinda faced one of her greatest
                                                                                challenges—a cancer diagnosis that doc-
                                                                                tors said would leave her with only a few
                                                                                months to live. But Laurinda’s response
                                                                                was anything but typical. “I never saw it as
                                                                                the end,” she says, her eyes shining with
                                                                                determination. “Instead, I asked myself,
                                                                                ‘What am I supposed to learn from this?’
                                                                                Every challenge is an opportunity to grow,
                                                                                and I focused on the positives.”

                                                                                Sixteen years later, Laurinda’s story is not
                                                                                one of survival but of thriving. Her battle
                                                                                with cancer became a catalyst for deeper
                                                                                reflection and a renewed commitment to
                                                                                making the most of every moment. “I’ve
                                                                                never had time for self-pity,” she explains.
                                                                                “Life is too precious to waste on what could
                                                                                have been. I believe in using every setback
                                                                                as a stepping stone to something greater.”
        I had the privilege of sitting down                                       A HEART FOR COMMUNITY

        with Laurinda Bow, The Paddocks                                             AND GIVING
                                                                                     Laurinda’s involvement with The
        representative for the BDA.                                                    Paddocks and the BDA is a natural
                                                                                        extension of her lifelong commit-
        Laurinda’s story is a                                                            ment to the community. She has
                                                                                         always believed in the power of
        testament to the quiet                                                            connection, whether through
                                                                                          organising local projects or
        strength that lies within,                                                        simply being a supportive
                                                                                          presence for those around her.
        which has carried her                                                             “Community is at the heart
                                                                                         of everything I do,” she says.
        through life’s challenges                                                        “It’s about creating a space
                                                                                        where everyone feels valued and
        and fueled her passion for                                                     supported.”
        giving back to the community.                                               Her acts of kindness are often small,

                                                                                  quiet gestures—buying groceries for a
                                                                                struggling neighbour or offering encourage-
                                                                                ment to someone having a tough day. “I
        A FOUNDATION OF STRENGTH AND        there for them, to ensure they had the sup-  don’t do it for recognition,” Laurinda insists.
        COMMUNITY                           port they needed to thrive,” she reflects. Her   “It’s about making a genuine difference,
        Laurinda’s journey began in South Africa,   dedication paid off, with her son becoming   even if it’s just for one person.”
        rooted in the rich traditions of her Portu-  head boy at school and achieving numerous
        guese and Italian heritage. Her parents,   accolades—a reflection of the values she   LOOKING AHEAD WITH HOPE AND
        who arrived in South Africa with nothing   instilled in them.           DETERMINATION
        but hope and determination, taught her the                              Despite all she has achieved, Laurinda
        value of hard work and community. “My par-  A LIFE RICH IN EXPERIENCE AND   remains focused on the future and is eager
        ents were my greatest inspiration,” Laurinda   ADVENTURE                to continue her work in cultural exchange
        shares, her voice filled with warmth. “They   Laurinda’s love for exploration led her to   and tourism. She dreams of bringing more
        built their lives from the ground up and   establish Bow International, a company   people to experience the unique beauty and
        always reminded me of the importance of   dedicated to showcasing the beauty of   diversity of South Africa. “There’s so much
        staying connected to our community.”  South Africa to the world and providing   more I want to do,” she says with quiet con-
                                            enriching travel experiences abroad. “Travel   fidence. “I’m excited for what’s to come.”
        From a young age, Laurinda excelled in   has always been more than just seeing new   Laurinda Bow’s journey is a powerful
        sports—a passion that taught her discipline,   places,” she says. “It’s about connecting   reminder that true strength lies not in grand
        perseverance, and the importance of team-  with people, understanding different cul-  gestures but in the quiet, consistent actions
        work. These qualities would later guide her   tures, and bringing those experiences back   that build a life of purpose and meaning. As
        through some of life’s toughest moments.   home.”                       we celebrate the end of Women’s Month,
        After the heartbreaking loss of her husband                             her story encourages us all to embrace
        over 30 years ago, Laurinda devoted herself   Laurinda’s most remarkable achievement   resilience, find joy in the journey, and make
        to raising her two sons. “I wanted to be   was organising a trip that brought the Con-  a positive impact wherever we can.

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