Page 27 - FWG_Issue 6_2022
P. 27

Home Front

                                                                                                                Photo by Vije Vijendranath on Unsplash

         Photo by Jackery Power Station                                                                           Photo by Andrea Davis

          internet connections, range  in price from   For around R3 000 (Takealot), you can get a   – carry enough power to charge your
          around R700 to R2 000, depending on their   TG 1500 W sine wave inverter, which can be   smartphone,  tablet,  computer  and  small
          capacity. And they’re available from most   charged via mains or solar panels and will   appliances. And there’s no installation of
          tech specialist retailers.         power bigger appliances.           any  kind  needed  because  all  the  power
                                                                                points you need are on board. You can pick
          3. Small-scale solar               4. Got gas?                        one up at a camping store for between
          A solar-powered geyser is a great start.   Gas appliances are relatively affordable   R6 000 and R7 000.
          Getting one installed will probably cost   and come in many shapes and sizes.  You
          you between R15 000 and R20 000. But   can pick up a two-plate gas burner stove   LED lanterns, also available at most
          you don’t need to go quite so large to take   for under R400 at most major retailers for   reputable  camping  shops,  are  excellent
          advantage of solar power. You can do it in   basic cooking purposes. Gas lighting is also   light sources powered by lithium batteries.
          smaller ways.                      affordable and easy to  set  up.  You’ll find   Certain brands also come with built-in USB
                                             loads of options online or in camping shops.   ports, which are handy for charging your
          Start with the outdoors. Solar lights                                 cell phone. And most LED lights are easy
          that soak up the sun in your garden are   If you want to take it one step further,   to charge via USB or (in some cases) they
          affordable and readily available at garden   consult an expert to see which of your   come with optional solar attachments.
          centres and DIY retailers. You can also use   appliances can be converted to gas. Certain
          a touch of solar power to keep your  TV,   fridges and geysers, for example, can run on   Let the light shine
          computer, cell phone and a light or two on   gas. It might be worthwhile to take stock of   Other than our load-shedding-driven
          using a small UPS.                 everything you need to power and consider   discontent, we South Africans are also known
                                             a combination of gas and solar energy if   for our resilience and resourcefulness. With
          These vary in size and cost. For a small,   you’re on a budget.       those attributes driving us to find simple
          solar-powered 84W/h kit from Ellies (found                            solutions to complicated problems, we can
          on, you’re in for around R1 300.   5. Go camping          equip ourselves to set aside the annoyance
          This type of unit is good enough for light   Even  if roughing  it isn’t  really  for you,   and take back the power (no, that’s not a
          but won’t power major appliances. Around   camping gear can be pretty helpful during   metaphor)!
          R700 - R800 more will get you a similar unit   power outages. Portable power stations –
          with enough juice to charge your laptop.   like the Jackery Explorer 250, for example   It’s the little things that count.

                                                   Fourways Gardens • 25 • July 2022
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