Page 4 - FWG_Issue 6_2022
P. 4

Chairman’s Message

                 Fourways Gardens – a community

                                     where you belong!

                    e humans are social beings,   AGM. Six people have already raised their
                    and the need to belong   hands and volunteered to help run our
                    is deeply ingrained in our   estate and kickstart our efforts to reconnect
         Wnature.  That’s why, since        our Fourways Gardens community after the
         the beginning of time, humans have been   devastation brought about by lockdown.
         drawn to creating communities . . . spaces,
         and places where we belong.        Let me introduce them and their portfolios:
                                             Andrea Buhr  Architectural
         There is no doubt that the past couple of
         years has put our need for social interaction   Andrew Niven  Finance
         and personal relationships under strain.   David Chalila  Legal and Compliance
         Lockdown measures and work-from-home
         arrangements have made it harder to meet   Lisa Hovgaard  Communications,
         and connect with others, so it’s no wonder      Events, and Chairman
         that feelings of isolation and loneliness are   Ryan Horsman Security and
         a dominant trend, not only here in SA, but      Vice-Chairman
                                             Richard Hurley Environment
         These changes have prompted many                                                                                           WEALTH IS ABOUT
         people  to  reconsider  the  significance   Pssst – you can look at their CVs on our                                       MUCH MORE THAN MONEY
         of  community,  that  all-important  newly-enhanced community portal if you   Lisa Hovgaard, FWG Chairman
         ‘neighborhood’ feeling, bringing the   would like to know more about them . . . if
         concept  of  meaningful  belonging  you have not downloaded the community
         right  back into the spotlight. And  a key   portal  app, follow the step-by-step guide                                    It’s about how you see yourself, the impact you want to make, the legacy you want
         component of building communities we   that will take you through it!     the new board and I get to grips with our        to leave, your priorities for today and tomorrow. Together with your financial planner,

         can all be proud of is volunteering . . . see                         portfolios and objectives, we are going to           our team of experienced specialists go to great lengths to understand what really
         where this is going?               The bad news is that we need more.   be  looking  for  volunteers  to  help  bring
                                            The six of us, even with the support and   our projects to life.                        drives you. Then we offer you a range of specialist wealth management solutions
         With  most  of  us  leading  super-busy  lives,   help of our estate staff, are not going   In closing, I would like to say a big ‘Thank   to help you grow, protect, leverage and ultimately, transfer your wealth for
         the idea of volunteering – giving your time   to be able to get it all done . . . because   you’ to the outgoing board: Damian,
         and energy to a cause without financial   there is a lot. But, more about that in the   Stuart, Russel, Martin, James and Zoks, we   generations to come.
         reward – may seem an impossible task. I   monthly update . . . for now, I appeal to   will continue to build on all the work you
         mean, how can we fit anything else into our   you to get involved, start coming down   have done.                          TAKE YOUR WEALTH FURTHER
         already jam-packed schedules?      to the clubhouse for a drink, give the kids
                                            money for milkshakes, reach out and let
         GOOD NEWS! for those of you who are not   us know that you are willing! It doesn't   Thank you for your service.           ADVICE | RETIREMENT | PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT | FIDUCIARY

         in the 10% of residents who attended our   have to take up too much time. But as  Lisa                                     Speak to your financial planner or visit


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