Page 4 - FWG Issue 8_2022
P. 4



             GARDENS ESTATE

            TO BENEFIT FROM


                 t 24/7 Security Services, we                                  Vehicle Safety Tips
                 believe it is no longer sustainable   Officer of the Month    Incidents of vehicle theft and theft
                 to create islands of safe suburbs                             out of vehicles continue to rise. 24/7
         Ain a sea of criminal activity. As a                                  Security urges vehicle owners to take the
         responsible security services provider, we                            necessary precautions when driving and
         have joined  the SafeCity  initiative, which                          parking in public spaces.
         will address the dramatic increase in crime
         through collaborative efforts in technology                           •    Avoid  parking  your  vehicle  where
         and manpower.                                                           no security officers or car guards are
         Video management specialist,  Vumacam,                                •    Ensure  that  the  doors,  windows,  and
         recently launched the SafeCity initiative                               boot are properly closed and locked
         to light up, install and maintain 1  850 new                            before you walk away. Always double-
         cameras across Johannesburg. Three hundred                              check to avoid remote car jamming.
         and fifty new installations will cover under-  Our Officer of the Month is Sam   •   Close  your  windows  when  driving  in
         protected areas, such as Alexandra, Soweto   Maduna.                    busy areas.
         and  Diepsloot;  as  well  as  strategic,  critical                   •   Do not open your windows for hawkers
         public  infrastructure;  and  areas  targeted  by   Sam is the assistant manager who   along the road or at an intersection.
         criminals, such as the Braamfontein Spruit.
                                               joined Fourways Gardens in June.   •   When  driving,  keep  the  doors  locked,
                                               He has been complimented by a     and your windows closed at all times.
         Vumacam, which controls one of SA's   resident for his rapid response when   •   Avoid  displaying  anything  valuable
         largest technology-driven CCTV networks,   he received a report that the resident   such as a handbag, briefcase, cell
         supports the Eyes and Ears Initiative (E2)   had spilled very acidic chemicals   phone or laptop in full view on the
         – an official, coordinated, joint crime-  on himself. Sam contacted the fire   seats. Instead, lock your valuables in
         fighting collaboration between the South   department and EMS and his quick   the boot.
         African Police Service, Business Against   reaction helped to save the resident’s   •   Familiarise  yourself  with  your  route
         Crime South Africa (BACSA) and the private   life. As new as Sam is to the Fourways   before embarking on your trip.
         security industry. 24/7 Security is a proud   Gardens security operations, he is   •   Always  be  vigilant  and  observe  your
         member of E2.                         already endearing himself to the   area. If you notice something suspicious
                                               residents and winning their hearts   when parking your vehicle, report it to
         We believe that clients will benefit directly   through the outstanding service that   security or the centre management.
         from  our  substantial  financial  investment   he is providing.
         in the SafeCity initiative as it will help to
         create a safer Joburg beyond the boundaries
         of secure suburbs.  This value-add benefit
         will have a far-reaching impact, as it is to
         everybody's advantage to develop and
         maintain a safe city.                 SEE SOMETHING, SAY
         To find out more, visit: <<  SOMETHING:

                                               Please report all security-related matters immediately,
                                               without delay.

                                               A delay in reporting = a delay in resolution.
                                               Onsite Control Contact details:
                                               011 465 5466  or  076 200 5280

                                                Fourways Gardens • 2 • September 2022
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