Page 28 - Fourways Gardens Issue 10 November 2023
P. 28


           It’s Summertime!

                                                               Photo by Csaba Gyulavári

                s summer is in full swing, dedicate   What to focus on in your garden:
                more time to nurturing your garden   To maintain a flourishing garden, ensure
                and tending to the rapid growth of   regular feeding and  watering of  your
         Ayour plants and lawns. This is the   vegetables and flowers, fortifying them
         season to  infuse your  flower  beds with  an   against common pests.
         array of vibrant colours, enhancing the appeal
         of your outdoor entertainment area with the   Revitalise your garden floor: Recent
         exquisite beauty of flowering plants.  trends have emphasised the importance
                                            of garden flooring. Consider rejuvenating
         The ideal colourful plants for this season   your entertainment area by exploring
         include:                           various garden flooring ideas. Start by
         1.  Petunias: These charming flowers add a   replenishing the gravel with fresh stones   GARDENER
           lively touch to your flower beds.  after thorough weeding.             OF THE MONTH
         2.  Portulaca: A low-lying plant that spreads
           quickly, adding a delightful carpet of   Lawn care: For a healthy lawn, nourish it   We  are  pleased  to  announce  Dolp
           colour.                          with  contour  compost,  ensure  adequate   Khethayo Jere as the Gardener of
         3.  Celosia: These colourful and long-lasting   watering, and maintain regular mowing.  the Month. Dolp works diligently in
           plants are perfect for the summer.  Go potty:  If  you’re  passionate  about   Phase 1 of the Camdeboo area. His
         4.  Dianthus: Guaranteed to illuminate   gardening but lack space, why  not   perpetual  smile  and  unwavering
           any summer garden with their vibrant   try container gardening? It offers an   dedication have surpassed his
           presence.                        opportunity to indulge in gardening on a   usual duties this month. Dolp’s
         5.  Salvia: An excellent choice for the   smaller scale while providing decorative   willingness to assist with any task
           summer, making a bold and colourful   elements for your outdoor space.  and extraordinary effort have not
           statement.                       Discover Contour compost: Experience   gone unnoticed. We commend Dolp
         6.  Marigolds:  These heat-tolerant and   the best compost in the market, Contour   for his outstanding contributions to
           long-lasting blooms are sure to thrive.  compost.  This organic alternative to   Fourways Gardens Estate and extend
         7.  Zinnia: Whether from seed or seedlings,   chemical fertilisers is environmentally   our heartfelt gratitude.
           Zinnias bring a burst of astonishing   friendly and promotes garden health.
           colour to your garden.                                                 Well  done,  Dolp,  for  consistently
                                                                                  going  above  and  beyond  to  lend
                                                                                  a  helping  hand  in  and  around  the
                         Additional products available from Turfnet:
             • Worm compost • Fine compost • Vermin+ • Lawn dressing • Mulch • Vermi pellets  community.

               To purchase natural gardening products, or for more information about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on
                 tel: 011 464 5088 or cell: 073 935 9754. Alternatively, email or visit
                                            Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot

                                                Fourways Gardens • 26 • November 2023
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