Page 39 - Fourways Gardens Issue 10 November 2023
P. 39
Arts and Crafts
ernie van der Vyver’s artistic
journey began in the heart
of Bethal, Mpumalanga,
Bin 1969. He grew up on an
expansive farm where, from an early
age, pencils, paper and clay became
his trusted companions. This early
immersion in the arts and in nature
laid the foundation for his career as
an artist whose bronze masterpieces
would reflect the spirit of the wild.
“Growing up on a farm in Bethal was
really special,” recalls Bernie. “Animals His bronze sculptures, alive
and nature always surrounded me. I with the spirit of the African
loved collecting pictures of all kinds
of creatures. I studied their form and wilderness, narrate tales of
movement, and started drawing beauty, survival and natural
them. This was how I first got into art.
I think that being around so much harmony
wildlife sparked my love for nature
and art.”
Bernie applied a steady hand and
a creative mind to his work. Soon,
his art evolved, going beyond those Bernie finds his muse in nature. He visits Bernie has certainly come full circle since his
youthful sketches and clay models. our national parks and wildlife reserves on a childhood days moulding clay on a Bethal
He ventured into the intricate and regular basis, immersing himself in the world farm. Now a master bronze sculptor, his
complex world of bronze sculpture, of his subjects. These field trips serve as his journey attests to his dedication and love for
honing his skills to create hyper- study sessions: he uses wildlife photography both his craft and his surroundings.
realistic representations of wild as a reference point for what he is about
animals. He began exhibiting his to create. His love for the natural world is Bernie is more than an artist; he’s a storyteller.
work, his obvious talent increasingly palpable in every crevice and curve of his His bronze sculptures, alive with the spirit
drawing the attention of discerning bronze creations. of the African wilderness, narrate tales of
art lovers and critics. beauty, survival and natural harmony. As a
These masterpieces have left an imprint result, his works are sought-after both here
Bernie’s sculptures are often custom- on the global art scene and have shaped and abroad.
made. Working closely with clients, people’s perceptions of wildlife.
he ensures that each piece aligns Don’t miss Part 2 in the next issue!
with their vision and his artistic His sculptures are exhibited in galleries and
interpretation. This collaborative museums across South Africa, Europe and You can follow Bernie’s extraordinary
approach guarantees that each piece the United States. They are celebrated for journey and explore more of his work on his
is a unique fusion of the client’s desire their realistic beauty and the underlying Facebook page. You can also connect and
and the artist’s expression. message of wildlife conservation. get in touch with Bernie on LinkedIn. |
Fourways Gardens • 37 • November 2023