Page 33 - FWG Issue 5 June 2023
P. 33
WINDOW WASHING: Professional water-fed window washing service with onsite FOR SALE
supervision. Let us clean your windows so you don’t have to. Fast, streak free and easy. FOR SALE: Chairlift for curved staircase: Acorn chairlift for domestic use, designed for
Contact us on 078 495 2421 for your FREE quote. WhatsApp welcome. Don’t miss out right-hand curved staircase. Ideal for supporting the aged or persons with disabilities
on our WINTER SPECIALS. with mobility up and down staircases in homes. Fully serviced. Full manufacturer
specifications available on request. Standard features of the Acorn stairlifts:
1. A padded seat and backrest to give you comfort and extra support. 2. Directional
BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE paddle switches and remote control to give you complete control. 3. An inertia safety
CARE CONSTRUCTION AND PAVING: We specialise in new houses, additions and belt is fitted to all the Acorn stairlifts. 4. The slim fold away design has folding arms,
alterations, paving, painting and all your building requirements, no matter how big a seat, and footrest to allow for a normal staircase. 5. Weight capacity: Maximum
or small. Over 30 years’ experience. Call Ian on 011 469 4300 / 083 250 3736, email: 120kg. Price on request. Contact Trevor Page on 082 080 6702. Acorn stairlifts may or visit: be contacted to provide a cost for re-installation, after assessment of the buyer’s
CONSTRUCTION: QC services include building, welding, painting, roofing, staircase.
waterproofing, tiling, tree felling, landscaping, rubble removal, plumbing, FOR SALE: Second-hand goods for sale. LG 15kg washing machine, solid oak coffee
window cleaning and pool renovation. Call 071 349 7486 or email: table, three-quarter bed and mattress, small desk, bread maker, a few pairs of fancy shoes, ladies’ size 4. Please contact Tanya on 082 325 1609 if interested and would like
HANDYMAN: For all your building requirements done to your satisfaction. pictures.
Professional, honest and reasonable. Specialising in painting, waterproofing, damp- FOR SALE: Thule glide high performance jogging stroller, in good condition although
proofing, rising damp, rhinoliting, tiling, paving, roof leaks, building, plastering, pool faded from the sun. R8 000. Call Merry Owen on 083 571 7791.
repairs and house renovations. Call Alex on 073 836 5049 / 071 836 2601. References
available in FWG.
HANDYMAN: Specialises in painting, waterproofing, plastering and rhinoliting. DOMESTIC WORKERS
Dedicated and trustworthy team that will make your home look amazing. No job is too Joyce: Honest and reliable domestic is looking for work on Mondays and Wednesdays.
small or too big. (All related types of painting). Call Dalton on 073 927 6355 or Wayne She is friendly with our pets and is competent with basic household chores. Call Joyce
on 083 984 7814 for a reference. on 072 477 8285, or for a reference call 083 939 0454.
HANDYMAN: Repainting of your house, waterproofing, dampproofing or crack Constance: Is looking for full-time domestic work, sleep-in or out. She is hardworking,
filling. Please call Munya for a quote on 062 966 1936. “All work well done with no reliable and diligent, works without supervision and is honest and quiet. She is highly
disappointment.” References on request. recommended. Call Julia on 082 326 5848 or Constance on 063 555 6920.
HUBBY FOR HIRE: Handyman and welding services. FWG resident. Contact Juan on Nobuhle: Is looking for work as a domestic, full or part-time. She has a valid work
082 936 0700. permit, domestic work experience, traceable references and certificates in caregiving,
business administration and first aid. Please contact her on 078 885 4987, or email:
IRRIGATION – SOFT RAIN: I have gone solo after six years and I have partners, each
with over 12 years’ experience. All sorts of irrigation from maintenance and repairs
to new installations. Call Isaac on 078 658 4371, Thabiso on 079 946 2906, or email: Anna: is looking for full or part-time, domestic work, sleep-in or out from Monday to Friday. Her previous employer has relocated to Cape Town. She has worked in FWG for
17 years. Please call Anna on 079 016 1566 or call 082 900 7235 for a reference.
IRRIGATION: Specialising in automatic and manual irrigation, boreholes, water
filtration, water back-up systems and under counter filters. Please contact Chris on Sophy: Is looking for full or part-time work as a domestic. She is a hardworking,
073 525 4537, or email: reliable person with a good work ethic. For a reference contact Dr Brook
on 082 415 5320, call Sophy on 064 139 0127/073 487 2136, or email:
LEERAY COLLECTABLES: Make instant cash from your used clothes, shoes, bed linen,
kitchen stuff, toys etc. I buy and collect. Please contact me on 072 656 0470, or email: Hilda: She has been working for us for over seven years. She is looking for full or
part-time work. She is a trustworthy, polite and kind person who consistently delivers
MMATOSE BUILDERS: Available to do all alterations (major or small extensions), excellent service. She is great with kids and pets. Contact Hilda on 062 983 8533 or call
driveways, tiling, patios, rubble removal and garden refuse. Guaranteed quality and 063 318 9309 to learn more about our experience working with Hilda.
professional workmanship. Please call Alfred on 082 407 7022 / 078 417 5151. Bonnie: Due to relocation our domestic of nine years is looking for work. She is
NIGEL’S GARDEN AND POOLS: New installation and repairs of irrigation systems. reliable, diligent and a trustworthy person who will keep your home immaculate.
Pool servicing and maintenance including pump fittings. Please call Nigel on She works well without supervision, and has been the caretaker of our home and pets.
073 180 3406. She also has a certificate in child daycare, and has experience in caring for the elderly.
NICK’S WATERPROOFING/PAINTING: Torch-on waterproofing, cement house Call Michelle on 082 776 3439, or for a reference or call Bonnie on 076 556 5229.
waterproofing, acrylic type waterproofing. Please contact Nick on 076 696 5583 or Dorcas: Our domestic worker is looking for a full-time, live-in position. She has been
email: assisting us with our children and cleaning the house for the last seven years. She
PAINTING/DAMP-PROOFING/WATERPROOFING: Owner supervision. All work never misses a day and is very trustworthy. She is looking for a new position as we
guaranteed. Call Richard on 082 352 6382. are downscaling. Available immediately. Please call Dorcas on 073 332 0287, or for a
RUBBLE REMOVAL: Building rubble and garden refuse removal, building material reference call 082 349 5252.
deliveries, compost/manure deliveries. Call Ozzy on 073 058 0464. Elizabeth: Is looking for part-time domestic work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays
SAMMY MAINTENANCE: For all your maintenance tasks such as paving, painting, and Saturdays. She is reliable and hardworking with incredible honesty. Please call her
tree felling, electrical/fencing and alterations. No job is too small. I am reliable and on 083 639 3277.
offer a friendly service. Please call Samuel on 072 414 7585. Memory: Is a reliable and kind housekeeper looking for weekend work as a domestic
SOLAR/BACK-UP POWER SPECIALISTS: Lighting solutions, everything electrical. or babysitter. She has a driver’s licence and is great with children and pets. She lives in
ACDC Express Woodmead, we will come to you for a free assessment! Contact us on: FWG Phase 1. Call 064 213 0334., or WhatsApp/call on 083 556 1150.
THATCHING: Dr Thatcher, for all your new thatching, re-covering, repairs and lapa GARDENERS
construction. Call Arron on 073 022 2446 for an inspection and quote. Call Don in FWG Smart: Malawian looking for part-time work as a gardener or houseman. More
on 011 465 4325 for excellent references regarding workmanship and more. than 10 years’ experience in both jobs. He is friendly and respectful. Call him on
WATERPROOFING: Tired of doing it every year? Why not opt for our 10-year 073 130 2426, or for a reference call 073 004 1248.
maintenance free system? Contact John, a scientific and engineered waterproofing Happy: Malawian looking for work as a gardener on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
specialist on 071 123 0212 or visit and Sundays. He has been with us for many years, he is trustworthy and works well
without supervision. He can also do painting and varnishing. For more information call
Happy on 083 654 8941, or for a reference call 083 321 1830.
KUMON: Maths and English for children from three years of age to matric. Based Matthew: Is looking for part-time garden, painting or varnishing work on Mondays,
at Broadacres Academy High School, 249 5th Rd, Chartwell. Contact Anne Avis on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. He has worked for me for four years and is a reliable,
071 891 2589 or email: / website: honest and friendly person. I highly recommend him. Call Matthew on 074 028 2806,
or for a reference call Anne Marie on 066 544 7165 / Mechelle on 084 580 3885.
MUSIC LESSONS: Music school in Blairgowrie! For more information, visit our website: John: Malawian looking for full-time work as a housekeeper. He can cook and bake,
and has certificates as references. He has a Code 10 driver’s licence. He is good with all
TENNIS COACHING: Tennis lessons in Fourways at Fourways Gardens Residential domestic work and is honest and reliable. Please call John on 073 694 8743.
Estate. All levels of players from beginners to advanced are welcome. Private or semi-
private lessons available. We also provide one-on-one coaching at your own court. Patrick: Is looking for work on a Saturday as from June. He is honest, reliable and
Call Mike on 078 345 1620 or email: can do almost anything. Call Tanya for a reference on 082 325 1609, or call Patrick on
073 831 8876.
TENNIS FOR LIFE: Professional tennis coaching, from beginners to advanced
players, adults and children, individual and group lessons. BOOK A FREE GROUP Morris: Is looking for work as a gardener on Wednesdays and has many years of
LESSON - USE PROMO CODE FWG032. Contact Alette on 082 859 8565/ email: working experience in FWG. For a reference call Stuart on 083 653 2251 or call Morris or visit: on 073 561 3225.
Fourways Gardens • 31 • June 2023