Page 27 - Fourways Gardens September 2023 Issue
P. 27
September in the garden
• Frost-damaged bedding begonias don’t lawn roots healthy. An aerator punches
need to be replaced – simply cut them holes in the lawn, allowing air and water to
back to remove the parts that were penetrate the soil faster and deeper.
damaged during winter. With a healthy
dose of water-soluble fertiliser, the Fertilising
begonias will be at their best in no time. You need to choose the best organic
• Prune back overgrown shrubs to create fertiliser. This will ensure rapid recovery
better aeration in the garden and to from the scarifying process. The contour
prevent disease and pest infestations. compost encourages root and leaf growth.
• Prune back spring-flowering shrubs as Remember to water well directly after
soon as they are done flowering. application.
• Prune topiaries to maintain their compact
shape. Top dressing
• Deadhead pansies and violas to keep After you have scarified and aerated
them flowering well into November. your lawn, apply organic weed-free lawn
Photo by Robin Jonathan Deutsch dressing to ensure that the roots do not dry
LAWN AREAS out and to enhance your soil quality. Top
Scarify or mow your kikuyu lawn short in will occur. Remove the thick layer of thatch dressing helps level out depressions and
sunny areas. Top-dress it with screened weed- and scarify the lawn by mowing it as short undulated areas in the lawn. This ensures
free compost. Make sure that it is watered as possible. Rake off the thatch and throw it that mowing is easier and it improves the
well and does not dry out. Fertilise your lawn away. Your lawn will grow back very quickly soil quality below the grass.
with a good-quality organic fertiliser. with new, healthy shoots and leaves.
Other jobs to do in the garden this month:
Scarifying Aerating 1. Divide your herbaceous perennials.
Thatch is a layer of dead stems and roots If a lawn has dry patches where grass will This will keep your plants healthy and
that can build up on the surface of the soil. not grow, it needs to be aerated. The air vigorous year after year and multiply
If the thatch is more than 2cm thick, disease needs to penetrate the soil to keep the your stock.
2. Net ponds now, before spring gets under
way, to get them clean for the coming
GARDENER OF THE warm summer season.
MONTH 3. Clean out greenhouses ahead of spring
and plant bare areas for the growing
The gardener of the month is Livhuwani season.
Magumbi. 4. Plant spring-flowering bulbs such as
daffodils, crocus and hyacinths now so
He is always willing to help with any duty you’ll have glorious colour next season.
given to him. He has worked extremely
hard this month and he assisted with In the flower garden:
the park clean-up on Women’s Day in Continue to feed and to deadhead flowers
the Phase 1 park. Well done, Livhuwani, and shrubs.
for always being willing to help with
anything in and around Fourways Keep deadheading your annuals and
Gardens Estate, and thank you. perennials.
Prune back flowering shrubs such as roses
and hydrangeas.
To purchase natural gardening products or for more information about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on
tel: 011 464 5088 or cell: 073 935 9754. Alternatively, email, or visit
Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot
Fourways Gardens • 25 • September 2023