Page 31 - Fourways Gardens Issue 9 October 2023
P. 31
Arts and Crafts
itting just outside the Richard’s creations have gone
Broadacres Centre, beyond the streets and found
Richard Kupeta spends their way into galleries and
Shis days working as markets. He proudly mentions his
both an informal trader and a collaborations with the Soweto
masterful artist. Gallery and the Cape Gallery, all
in pursuit of attracting a broader
His is a story of self-discovery and audience. “I aspire to showcase my
unwavering passion. He began his work in more galleries,” he says.
creative journey being inspired
by his artist brother. His striking In today’s digital era, Richard
portraits and landscapes pay understands that having an
tribute to his African heritage. “I online presence serves as a
have a deep affection for African powerful platform to share his
art,” says Richard. “It’s a part of me, creations and connect with other
ingrained in my very being.” art enthusiasts. Social media and
word of mouth have become
What distinguishes Richard isn’t excellent tools for expanding
just his exceptional talent, but his influence and appealing to a
also his dedicated commitment to wider, global community of art
his craft. Whether he’s portraying aficionados.
the soulful gaze of a child or the
bustling energy of a street scene, there’s a What are his aspirations for the future?
vibrancy to his subject matter. “Art is my daily sustenance,” he smiles. With
unwavering support from his community
Using oil paints or acrylics and a palette and his steadfast commitment to his craft,
knife, Richard combines technical precision Richard is set to rise to greater heights
with a profound connection to his subjects, as each canvas he paints offers a fresh
ensuring that each brushstroke reveals their opportunity to tell a story and share his
essence. For him, art isn’t merely a profession; perceptions with the world.
it’s a way of life. His dedication is evident in
the countless hours he invests in each work. The splendour and vibrancy of South
Some take him weeks to complete. Africa’s diverse landscapes, cultures and
people are masterfully portrayed. In this
However, navigating the world of informal way, Richard shows us how art can bridge
trading presents its challenges. Richard divides, inspire meaningful conversations
recounts instances when the Metro Police and uplift the spirit.
have confiscated his work and imposed
hefty fines. “Dealing with the Metro Police Follow Richard on Instagram to see his
can be quite daunting,” he says. Nevertheless, creations. If you would like to purchase or
his indomitable spirit shines through as he commission an artwork, you can call him on
persists in sharing his art with the world. 084 759 8704.
Fourways Gardens • 29 • October 2023