Page 33 - FWG Issue 3 April 2024
P. 33
HANDYMAN: For all your building requirements done to your satisfaction. Professional, Thandi: Is available for domestic work on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is
honest and reasonable. Specialising in painting, waterproofing, damp-proofing, rising hardworking, reliable, a good communicator and great with pets. Thandi has ZEP and
damp, rhinoliting, tiling, paving, roof leaks, building, plastering, pool repairs and house current contactable references. Please call Lorraine on 083 655 8012 or call Thandi on
renovations. Call Alex on 073 836 5049 / 071 836 2601. References available in FWG. 073 682 5003.
HANDYMAN: British tradesman for all the jobs you hate!!! Building, total house Sandra: A 35-year-old Zimbabwean woman with a work permit is looking for full or
renovations, wooden flooring, painting, cupboards, damp-proofing, tiling, plumbing, part-time, live-in/out domestic work. Contact 083 238 2774, or for a reference call
roofing, ceilings, kitchen and bathroom renovations and electrical work, plastering, 084 870 0322 / 076 819 6420.
paving and alterations. No job too small. Offers a friendly and reliable service. Contact Dudu: Is looking for domestic work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. She is
Steve on 076 823 6847 / 082 955 5642.
excellent at ironing, cleaning and washing. She is also good with pets. Please call her
HUBBY FOR HIRE: Handyman and welding services. FWG resident. Contact Juan on on 061 705 7511, or for a reference call 082 875 7251.
082 936 0700. Mery: Malawian seeking part-time domestic work and child minding. She is honest,
IRRIGATION – SOFT RAIN: I have gone solo after six years and I have partners, each hardworking and works well without supervision. Call her on 073 733 4998.
with over 12 years’ experience. All sorts of irrigation from maintenance and repairs
to new installations. Call Isaac on 078 658 4371, Thabiso on 079 946 2906, or email: Maria: Is looking for extra work twice a week. She has been working for us in the estate for 20 years. She is a quiet, hardworking, reliable and honest person. She works
well with animals (dogs, cats, rabbits) and can house sit if needed. We are happy to
MUNYA BUILDERS: Repainting of your house, crack filling, waterproofing, damp- swop out days to accommodate. Call Maria on 060 435 5091, or for a reference call
proofing. Call Munya for a quote on 062 966 1936. “All work well done with no Sharon on 083 650 7661.
disappointment.” References on request.
Phildah: Is looking for live-in work as a nanny or a domestic. She has certificates in
NIGEL’S IRRIGATIONS AND POOLS: New installation and repairs of irrigation child minding and is great with domestic chores. Call Phildah on 076 679 6305, or for a
systems. Pool servicing and maintenance including pump fittings. Please call reference call 084 989 3258.
Nigel on 073 180 3406.
Akhona: Is looking for full-time domestic work. She is friendly, trustworthy, respectful
PAINTING: Tex Paint Projects is based in Fourways and can assist you with and understands and speaks English fluently. Please call her on 072 414 7585.
painting (interior/exterior), waterproofing, damp treatment and basic pre- Pamela: Has worked for our family for five years. She has been assisting us with our
painting maintenance. Contact us today. Call Tiago on 073 163 9386, email: kids and cleaning the house. She never misses a day and is trustworthy and honest., visit:, FB@TexPaintProjects She is looking for a new position as we are relocating. She is also good with pets and
PATSONS PAVING: For all your paving and tiling requirements – no job too big or is available Monday to Friday. Call her on 072 417 7851, or for a reference call Heather
small. Everyone is welcome. There are a variety of various designs available to suit on 084 531 2435.
your individual taste. Call Patson on 082 676 2668 or 084 288 6149. GARDENERS
PLUMBER AT YOUR SERVICE: A complete plumbing business that offers efficient Shepherd: Is looking for work as a gardener. He previously worked for Brads Garden
professional service to the domestic and commercial sectors. Blocked drains, burst service. For more information call 072 560 0967.
pipes, geyser installations and maintenance, leaking toilets and taps, subsoil drainage, Anton: Is looking for gardening work on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays. He is
bathroom & kitchen renovations. Please contact Paul Stonley, PIRB and IOPSA currently working in FWG. Call him on 063 591 7191.
registered on 082 798 3643 or email:
Josiah: Is hardworking, honest and reliable. He is available on Mondays, Wednesdays
RUBBLE REMOVAL: Building rubble and garden refuse removal, building material and Saturdays. Call Josiah on 060 362 4462.
deliveries, compost/manure deliveries. Call Ozzy on 073 058 0464.
Cannan: Is a hardworking gardener who has worked with me on a part-time basis
SAMMY MAINTENANCE: For all your maintenance tasks such as paving, painting, tree for about four years. He has done part-time for my son at his home in Melville. He is
felling, electrical/fencing and alterations. No job is too small. I am reliable and offer a a trustworthy person and has a great can do attitude. He has also assisted me with
friendly service. Please call Samuel on 072 414 7585. construction work and maintenance around the house, can build and plaster. Should
EXTRAMURALS, LESSONS AND OTHER you require a verbal testimonial, please feel free to call me on 082 447 6843 (Bruce) or
TENNIS COACHING: Tennis lessons in Fourways at Fourways Gardens Residential Call Cannan on 060 349 5077.
Estate. All levels of players from beginners to advanced are welcome. Private or semi-
private lessons available. We also provide one-on-one coaching at your own court. Desmond: Zimbabwean gardener with a work permit is looking for work on Tuesdays
Call Mike on 078 345 1620 or email: and Saturdays. He has been working in FWG for 9 years. He can do general garden
work, keep the pool spotlessly clean and neat painting jobs. He is pleasant, polite and
TENNIS FOR LIFE: Professional tennis coaching, from beginners to advanced players, interested in learning more. Call Desmond on 063 009 0285, or for a reference call
adults and children, individual and group lessons. BOOK A FREE GROUP LESSON - USE Verena on 082 817 1978.
PROMO CODE FWG032. Contact Alette on 082 859 8565/ email: info@tennisforlife. Lackson: Is a trustworthy, reliable and hardworking gardener looking for additional or visit:
days’ work. Not only is he a top gardener, but he is also very good at sanding and
STRUCTURED LITERACY LESSONS: 1-1 Structured Literacy Lessons now available painting. He can assist with household work like cleaning and ironing. He has worked
in FWG. Raising Readers can help your child develop strong reading and spelling for us for over 10 years and is an asset to any home. Call Lackson on 078 556 2280, or
skills. Structured Literacy lessons are highly explicit, systematic, multi-sensory and for a reference call Casey on 082 094 0092.
cumulative teaching all aspects of literacy. Contact Marian on 082 780 8546 or Cindy Vusi: Looking for full or part-time work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. He
on 083 523 0428.
is good at gardening and can also do housework. He has 10 years working experience.
RENTAL: Spacious, renovated, furnished flatlet to rent, available immediately. R8 000 Call or WhatsApp 073 358 8860 / 066 446 8503, or for a reference call Cassidy on
per month inclusive of water & electricity. Contact Pierre on 074 909 5094. 082 603 0076 / Penny on 082 909 0636.
DOMESTIC WORKERS Phillip: For all garden maintenance, tree felling, refuse removal, rubble removal,
Nompilo: A Zimbabwean woman is looking for domestic work, three days a week, painting, clean up. Call 083 721 0748 / WhatsApp 084 891 3188, or for a reference call
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She has a valid work permit and contactable Bruce on 082 447 6843.
references. Call 073 368 0393 or 067 104 3321.
Mphande: My excellent Malawian gardener is looking for part-time work on Mondays
Joyce: I can highly recommend Joyce, she is diligent, reliable, and always friendly. She and Wednesdays. He is hardworking and reliable. Call him on 083 562 8564, or for a
is great with kids and a pleasure to have in our house. She is available on Tuesdays, reference call Steve on 073 671 8397.
Thursdays and Fridays. For more details, call Joyce on 071 905 3525, or for a reference Patrick: Is an outstanding gardener who has worked with me for 5 years. In addition
call Cayley on 072 658 2391.
to general gardening maintenance, he also helps with planting and harvesting the
Domestic: Helper seeking extra weekend work. Cleaning, child minding or vegetable garden. Patrick keeps the pool in pristine condition and does a great
babysitting. Extremely reliable and trustworthy. For references call 076 958 9635. job with painting projects. I have downsized and he needs work on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Call Patrick on 065 659 1656, or for a reference call Clara on 082 787 9860.
Elizabeth: Is a 40-year-old lady, looking for part-time domestic work on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. She is hardworking and trustworthy. Please call her on Goodson: Is a friendly, kind, hardworking man. He is a blessing to our family with
083 639 3277, or for a reference call Jan on 083 248 1246. his good work ethic and positive disposition. He is willing to help in the home and
Patricia: A Malawian woman is looking for full or part-time work as a domestic. She garden and even assists with building. He is trustworthy and very sweet with children.
has 10 years working experience in cleaning, ironing, and taking care of pets. Call her He comes highly recommended. Call him on 067 959 2046, or for a reference call
on 060 450 5555 / 073 890 8542, or for a reference call 078 338 7390. Jonathan on 078 678 9366.
Maxwell: Our gardener is looking for work on Wednesdays and Saturdays. He is a hard
Pretty: She has worked for my daughter, three days a week, part-time before they worker and trustworthy. Call him on 073 105 5606 or, for references call Shannon on
emigrated. She is highly recommended. Call her on 079 335 2310, or for a reference 079 516 1315 or Salome on 082 955 7247.
call 082 901 0198.
Fourways Gardens • 31 • April 2024