Page 19 - FWG Issue 5 June 2024
P. 19


            June in the garden

          To-do list to help you keep on top                                    Three reasons to take up organic
          of important gardening chores:                                        gardening:

          •  Water shrubs and plants with shallow root                          1.  Organic gardening produces food
          systems, such as azaleas and camellias,                                 that is not only higher in nutrients,
          during the dry spell in summer-rainfall areas.                          antioxidants,  and  minerals  such  as
          •  Collect  seeds  from  late  summer  annuals                          calcium and magnesium but also tastes
          like zinnias, cosmos, cleomes (spider                                   better.
          flowers), gaillardias and hollyhocks.                                 2.  Organic gardening is good for your
          •  Lift gladioli corns, shake off the soil, and                         mental health.  Working with soil
          store in paper or net bags in a cool, dry                               and plants in the garden can be very
          place. Discard damaged bulbs. If lifting                                peaceful.
          dahlias, cover them with slightly moist   encourage further flowers.  3.  Organic gardening helps the environ-
          sand or sawdust to prevent them from   •  Foliar feed all existing annuals and bulbs   ment; it helps replace nutrients naturally.
          drying out.                         fortnightly or use organic compost before
          •  Take  cuttings  of  plants  like  fuchsias,   the cold weather sets in.  Ten of the best vegetables to
          heliotrope and daisy bushes and    •  Cover  sensitive  plants  in  colder  regions
          soft, sappy plants like impatiens and   with lightweight, frost cover, hessian,  grow in June:
          plectranthus, which are intolerant of cold,   straw, or cardboard boxes.  1.  SHALLOTS:  The soil must drain well
          wet weather.                       •  Lay down thick mulch or contour compost   and stay dry to keep shallots growing.
          •  Trim flower stalks from old liliums, leaving   around the frost susceptible plants to   2.  CAULIFLOWER:  Do  not  let  sunshine
          a stump to mark their position. Buy lilium   insulate the roots.        reach  the  cauliflower  curds;  this  will
          bulbs, keep them moist or plant them   •  Clean up under hedges, clean out gutters   cause them to discolour. Tie the leaves
          temporarily in pots.                and drains, rake up fallen leaf litter and   closed over the curds with string.
          •  Pinch  off  faded  flowers  from  Iceland   other debris, and loosen the soil to expose   3.  BROAD BEANS: Broad beans grow best
          poppies, calendulas, violas, and pansies to   insect pests which may be sheltering there.  in  a  sunny  spot  sheltered  from  wind;
                                                                                  they enjoy moist, well-drained soil.
                                                                                4.  THYME:  Thyme  can  be  used  as  an
                                                                                  edible ground cover and grows well
                                               GARDENER                         5.  GARLIC: Garlic does best in well-
                                                                                  between rocks and paving.
                                               OF THE MONTH                       drained, rich soil with lots of compost.

                                                                                6.  SPRING  ONIONS: Spring onions do
                                               Our gardener of the month is       well in loose soil that is well fertilised
                                               Vincent Radebe.
                                                                                  and drains well.
                                                                                7.  WINTER GEM LETTUCE: Lettuce grows
                                               He is our Phase 2 gardener who has   well in rich, cool, and moist soil, as it is
                                               worked extremely well this month   95% water.
                                               and harvested Kikuyu lawn for    8.  MICRO  GREENS: Keep the soil damp
                                               Bushwillow Drive. He is committed   and remove weeds for best growth.
                                               to his job and always very respectful   9.  SPINACH: The trick to good spinach is
                                               of his  superior  managers and     a good start. Keep it moist and cool.
                                               supervisor. Well done, Vincent!
                                                                                10.  SNAP  PEAS: Severe frost might kill
                                                                                   your snap pea plants, so cover them if
                                                                                   the temperature dips below zero.

                To purchase natural gardening products or for more information about how to be eco-friendly, contact Turfnet on
                                         Tel no: 011 469 5051/4 or Mobile no: 073 935 9754.
                                Visit Address: Plot 17, School Road, Diepsloot. 2187

                                                   Fourways Gardens • 17 • June 2024
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