Page 4 - FWG Issue 5 June 2024
P. 4

Estate News


         Dear Residents,

           t’s June! Even if the weatherman does                               Day is coming up soon, and we are excited
           not seem to have received the memo,                                 to see what The Gardens Bistro offers on
           it is officially winter, and we are halfway                         Sunday, 16 June. The HOA also negotiated
        Ithrough 2024. It also marks my first year                             a fantastic rate for our pet chipping drive,
         as Estate Manager at Fourways Gardens                                 which was held on the last Saturday of
         Estate. As the saying goes, time really does                          May, and we now also have a  ‘look-up’
         fly when you’re having fun, and having a                              functionality for  pet chips  so that  we can
         great team to work with is indeed a cause                             get lost or wandering pets home quicker
         for celebration! It’s not just about the tasks                        using the tags and updated owner details.
         we accomplish but also the joy of being                               The HOA will also be monitoring dogs out
         part of this Fourways Gardens community.                              of  yards  and  roaming  streets  or  common
                                                                               properties and addressing this with the
         The philosophy of  “It takes a village” is                            importance it requires so that our pets do
         ever present in the HOA office. Every staff                           not come to avoidable harm.
         member committed to this  community –
         affectionately known as the ‘bubble’ in FWG                           Within our gates and following months of
         circles - ensures it functions and thrives. It’s                      planning, our river desilting project will kick
         a powerful reminder that individual success                           off and be quite a sight! This has been a high
         is not isolated but a fusion of collective                            priority for the Board of Directors, and after
         effort and support. By enhancing the lives   Charlene Marlin, Estate Manager  obtaining all the necessary permissions and
         of those around us, we uplift ourselves,                              authorisations, the work can finally start.
         creating a ripple effect of positive change and growth. We see this   Our ethos is to do it right the first time, so this is a multi-year phased
         daily as neighbours support businesses and ventures advertised   project.
         on the FWG neighbourhood page, in the estate classifieds or
         at the Junior Entrepreneur Market - May saw us hold our Junior   Security is a priority for the HOA, and we have implemented
         Entrepreneurs Market Day. With nearly 30 stalls, the ingenuity of   criminal background checks and document verification
         our younger residents and the variety of stalls were impressive.  processes for the biometric enrolment of staff who will require
                                                              ongoing and regular access to the estate. The estate perimeter is
         Fourways Gardens has pioneered community living since 1984, and   kept well secured, but residents must be informed of who they
         generations of families have called it home. That’s right! Your maths   are inviting into the privacy of their homes and entrusting their
         hasn’t let you down.  This year, we celebrate Fourways Gardens   families to.
         Estate’s 40th year of existence. To mark this milestone, we have a
         day full of activities to unite the community and make the most of   Aesthetic improvements to the K56 Trailer Park have made it more
         June’s temperate days.                               representative of the calibre of our estate. Providing suitable
                                                              facilities  and shelter  for the devoted officers  working in  the K56
         June is a month honouring our youth’s vibrant spirit and invaluable   areas has boosted morale. The HOA team and our Board of Directors
         contributions. In Fourways Gardens, the importance of a healthy   are committed to elevating our estate and its market appeal. The
         environment for children is evidenced by the many residents who,   new website ( reflects our
         having spent their childhood here, opt to establish their own homes   estate’s aspirations and emotional appeal and is a powerful tool in
         and raise their families in this nurturing environment. The freedom   our marketing arsenal.
         for children to be children and enjoy the facilities, walk to friends’
         houses, or pop down to the restaurant for a milkshake reflects the   We thank our residents for their engagement and care for Fourways
         community’s enduring appeal and the strong legacy of its younger   Gardens  – truly,  this  estate  is  greater  than  the  sum  of  its  parts
         generation.                                          because of our community!

         Mother’s Day was celebrated at The Gardens Bistro in May and was –   Sincerely,
         by all accounts – a roaring success and immensely enjoyed. Father’s   Charlene Marlin

                                                  Fourways Gardens • 2 • June 2024
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