Page 4 - FWG Issue 6 July 2024
P. 4

Estate News


         Dear Residents,

                    e are now well and truly in                                The HOA team is also hard at work
                    the grip of winter, and some                               preparing for novel events to appeal to
                    of our trees have stubbornly                               our  community  even  more  –  a  tennis
         Wclung to their yellowing                                             tournament and a cycle challenge, to name
         leaves  despite  the  blankets  of  frost  that                       a few. July will also see Mandela Day being
         we see around the estate in the mornings!                             marked by charitable acts and collections
         Homeowners looking for plants to brighten                             across the country, and the Fourways
         up  their verges  in  the winter  months  can                         Gardens community will be invited to
         consider some of the following frost-                                 participate in the collection for charitable
         resistant plants that are favourites amongst                          causes to be held in July.
         gardeners: Bellis (English Daisies), Stocks
         (familiar to some residents from a certain                            Our  AGM  is  also  approaching  and  will
         Netflix period drama), Snapdragons and                                be held on  Wednesday, 31 July 2024.
         Sweetpeas (which bring not only colour but                            We look forward to another engaging
         a delightfully sweet fragrance too!).                                 and productive AGM, where the Board
                                                                               of  Directors  and  HOA  team  will  outline
         Winter is the high season for some of the                             the vision for the next year and propose
         regular  estate  maintenance  and  projects                           projects  to  address  some  of  the  pressing
         that usually require dry Highveld winters.                            issues we face, such as outdated and
         The river project will see a bridge reinstated   Charlene Marlin, Estate Manager  inadequate gatehouses.
         and desilting along the river in stages – our
         Environmental Director and Chief Operations Officer have been   Homeowners are urged to check that they receive emails from the
         hard at work ensuring that all planned works meet the necessary   WeConnectU system. This will be the primary means of distributing
         regulatory approvals as we embark on this beautification project.   important documents and information to homeowners as we
                                                              progress with technological advancements to improve the HOA
         This is usually a great time to give your boundary walls or house   workflow. Homeowners not receiving emails from WeConnectU are
         exterior a lick of paint to ensure that they withstand the summer   to contact the HOA Office to ensure your details are correct.
         rains – please consult the architectural guidelines as you plan
         improvements and take note of procedures and deposits that apply   As alluded to in last month’s magazine, I have now enjoyed a year
         to various upgrades and additions to homes.          as the Estate Manager of Fourways Gardens and can truly say that it
                                                              has been a purposeful year, where the groundwork for great things
         By now, many residents will have sampled the new menu at The   has been laid.
         Gardens Bistro, and sneak peeks and early releases indicate plenty
         of tantalising options to enjoy. The Gardens Bistro also held a very   Our estate’s challenges have been overcome through the
         successful  Murder  Mystery  Dinner  at  the  end  of  May  and  some   cooperation and support of the Board of Directors, the HOA team
         exciting activities over June.                       and the Fourways Gardens community. I have grown this year, as I
                                                              know the HOA team has, and I am more convinced than ever that
         We celebrated Fourways Gardens’ 40th birthday with a Birthday   we  have  the  right  people  for  the  job  of  ensuring  that  Fourways
         Bash on the 1st of June and could not have asked for better weather   Gardens is an established, aspirational estate with security second
         to enjoy the funfair and the party at the Clubhouse lawns before the   to none and a community spirit that compels visitors to become
         cold set in! Such a well-attended event was an impressive display of   part of this community.
         community spirit and showed that our estate, while the first in the
         country, is young at heart!                          Sincerely,
                                                              Charlene Marlin

                                                   Fourways Gardens • 2 • July 2024
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