Page 25 - FWG Issue 7 August 2024
P. 25

Animals Matter

                   UNLEASH YOUR DOG’S INNER STAR

               uppies bring us so much joy.  Their   from different species, such as cats,
               looks, their eyes, and the puppy smell.   rabbits, parrots, etc. There are cases where
               They are delightful, funny and eager   someone inherits/takes in another animal,
         Pto explore and please.  They arrive   which may cause distress to the existing
          in our homes as a blank canvas. As owners,   animals in the home, especially if they are
          though,  we  have  a  huge  responsibility  to   new species to which they have not been
          ensure that they grow up to become socially   exposed.
          acceptable adult dogs who are healthy and
          confident. It’s up to us to turn the blank   LOUD NOISES
          canvas into a workable piece of art.  Many dogs with severe noise phobias affect
                                             their quality of life.  They often require
          We often read about the importance of   behavioural medication to get through
          socialising a puppy, but what does that   their anxiety and fear. Although this
          actually  mean? Does it  mean he is  playing   condition may be inherited from the pup’s
          with other dogs and people? Yes, it does, but   mother, we can help prevent it in the puppy
          it is also so much more. We need to holistically   stage. Give them positive associations with
          socialise our puppy to ensure he is well-  vacuum  cleaners,  thunder,  fireworks,  loud
          behaved, unfearful, and able to navigate the   noises, crinkling packets, car sounds and
          world in a positive light.         loud noises.

          This can be achieved by exposing our puppies   TEXTURES
          to many things in our environment safely and    How many pet owners have experienced a
          lovingly.  For  ease  of  clarity,  we  can  do  the   reluctant and scared dog at the vet where   tunnels.  This all contributes to an overall
          following:                         they don’t want to get on the scale to be   confident dog.
                                             weighed? The dog can jump on the couch
          PEOPLE                             but not the scale. This situation is likely due   EQUIPMENT
          When introducing them to people, expose   to their unfamiliarity with steel/metal, so   Gradually and briefly introduce harnesses,
          them to people of all ethnic groups, those   they are reluctant to feel it underfoot. You   collars, leashes or any equipment you
          in wheelchairs, on crutches, with walking   can have fun with your puppy by having   foresee using.
          sticks, people with beards, wearing hats,   different textures laid out in the garden, like
          holding  umbrellas,  children,  babies,  and   an obstacle course. For example, have them   HANDLING
          the list goes on.                  walk over  plastic, fabric,  concrete, metal,   A crucial part of socialisation. This will help
                                             steel, stones, and bubble wrap, climb up   the  puppy  tremendously  when  needing
          ANIMALS                            and climb off objects, go under low tables,   vet visits or grooming parlours. We have all
          Ensure they meet other dogs and animals   over bridges, over rubber tyres and through   seen the dreaded dog nail-trimming clips

                                                  Fourways Gardens • 23 • August 2024
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