Page 33 - FWG October Issue 2024
P. 33

Dress the windows                  Freshen up                         Modern  fixtures  such  as  sculptural
          Window treatments can make a huge   How about a refurbishment?  A lot of old   pendants or orb chandeliers are making
          impact. You can create a luxurious look by   furniture can have dark, heavy finishes, but   stunning style statements in dining
          layering blinds and extra-long sheers. The   underneath, there can be some genuinely   area designs.  The sleek and streamlined
          key to getting the long dragging sheers   stunning wood.  There are great products   aesthetic of these contemporary lighting
          is to hang the curtain pole high up on the   on the market that let you keep the wood   fixtures  blends  seamlessly  with  various
          ceiling.                           exposed.                           décor styles, from mid-century to
                                                                                contemporary spaces.
          If you’re a private person, a simple blackout   Adding  texture or  pattern  to  part  of the
          roller blind can look chic, while a bamboo   piece is another great way to update   Layer rugs
          blind can create a more romantic or   furniture. Replace the centre panel in a   Layer rugs to update the floor space in
          bohemian, nomadic look.            cupboard door with hessian to contrast the   the home. To get a large enough rug, one
                                             sleek lines of the wood, or add a pattern   can  purchase  smaller  rugs  and  sew  them
          Replace bedding and towels         to take a piece up a level. Straight lines or   together.
          When looking for less expensive and easy   geometric patterns work well, and their
          ways to make a home look and feel more   crisp lines add a sense of luxury.  Moving away from the minimalism of the
          luxurious, one of the best ways to do this                            past few years, bold geometric patterns
          is to upgrade your duvet sets. Good quality   Consider lighting       are making a comeback. Rugs featuring
          bed linen and fluffy towels are also always   Great lighting is essential and can really make   striking shapes and vibrant colours are
          appreciated.                       a difference to the look and mood of a home.   becoming a popular choice for those
                                             In particular, having a good light to read by   looking to add a dynamic and modern
          Grey and silver are in style right now, and   adds another touch of luxury to a home. The   touch to rooms.  Scandinavian rugs are an
          having a shine on duvet sets will instantly   ceiling, wall and table lights as well as floor   excellent choice.
          make the home look more luxurious.  lamps can make quite a design statement.

                                                  Fourways Gardens • 31 • October 2024
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