Page 17 - IFV_Issue 10_2022
P. 17
Home Front
environments impact our productivity
and well-being. And with the move to
remote working over the last few years,
it’s become apparent that home owners
have awakened to the same truth.
The sudden transition away from
open-plan living illustrates this perfectly.
Nowadays, people are prioritising places
for focused work, and are looking for
ways to manage the movement of
others in their spaces. They are desiring
nooks in which to cocoon and revitalise
in solitude before feeling recharged
enough to re-join the bedlam of typical
family life.
Evolution of the virtual space
We are seeing a radical integration of
our physical and virtual spaces. These
two worlds are set to merge and many
people are looking to interior designers
to make sense of this integration and
the potential chaos that might manifest
at their intersection. Designers need
to look at balancing technology and
comfort within the personal narrative of
their client’s space.
Evolution of individualism
Individualism emerged before COVID
and has been bolstered by it. We are
now far more attentive to expressing
individual aesthetics in a space. Because
of social media, younger generations
have been challenging us on how we
perceive people, what our contribution
to society is and how important it is
that we understand who we are and –
especially – who we are seen to be.
Interior designers are thinking
when I changed the elements within it,” in the spaces that are truly expressive of critically about a person’s experiences of
she says. the person’s desires and are absolutely space – from sight to sound to shape to
“It taught me that our behaviour is an authentic reflection of them. texture – and how these elements can
largely influenced by how we experience be used to express parts of their clients’
the elements around us. There is real Evolution of residential spaces personalities. The process of pulling out
power in shuffling the objects you Our perception of our homes and individualism and combining that with
already have in a space to refresh your interiors has evolved through the various trends and how the two are put together,
personal perspective and renew the stages of lockdown. Many people are to help individuals, families and brands
space’s emotive power.” now looking at transforming the home express themselves in interesting ways
By understanding a person’s unique into a place that fosters the experience that are meaningful to them, will be the
perspectives, one can create new life of living well. Corporate office designers catalyst for many exciting innovations in
stages and facilitate specific experiences have always known that our work the near future.
The Villager • Issue 10 2022 • 15