Page 29 - IFV_Issue 11_2022
P. 29
3. Location 4. Choose your veggies 5. Crop rotation
Sunshine is important. Too much or Choose a mix of your favourite Different plants soak up different
too little, and your veggies won’t grow. vegetables and herbs and follow the nutrients from your soil. So, to avoid
It’s important to find the correct balance instructions to space them out correctly. using all its nutrients, rotate/change
for what you plant. Or perhaps make Consider planting the most nutrient- your crops around by planting a
two smaller patches, one in the shade dense vegetables and herbs that are different vegetable in each section after
and one in the sun. Be sure to plant good to plant at this time of the year. every harvest.
where your vegetables will be protected These include spinach, garlic, green It is through providing nourishing
and safe from strong winds. peas, asparagus, beetroot, eggplant, meals that you can continue to be the
tomatoes, red cabbage, and cauliflower. best for yourself and your community.
The harvests we reap in the future will
depend entirely on what we plant today.
The Villager • Issue 11 2022 • 27