Page 26 - IFV_Issue 6_2022
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Book Reviews

                                            The Power of Fun: Why fun is the
                                            key to a happy and healthy life

                                            When did you last feel exhilarated and light-
                                            hearted?  When were you last engaged,
                                            focused and completely present?  When
                                            is the last time you felt fully alive? In other
                                            words, when did you last have fun?
                                             In our always-on, tech-addicted lifestyles,
                                            we frequently think of the pursuit of fun as
                                            an indulgence. When we do find time to relax,
                                            we often turn to activities that are not actually
                                            that enjoyable, let alone fun: bingeing on
                                            television and movies, doom-scrolling the
                                            news, or feeding our FOMO on social media.
                                            But  award-winning  science  journalist,
                                            Catherine Price, has learned the truth: far from
                                            being frivolous, fun is the key to living a more
       A Shot to Save the World: The        meaningful, fulfilling and happier life.  How to Get Over Being Young:
       Remarkable Race and Ground-           If you make fun a priority, you will be   A Rough Guide to Midlife
       Breaking Science Behind the          healthier  and  have more  energy.  You  will
       Covid-19 Vaccines                    be more productive, less resentful and less   From Charlotte Bauer, another award-
                                            stressed. You will find community and a sense   winning  journalist,  this  book  is  a  warm,
       This is the definitive account of the global   of purpose. You will stop languishing and start   witty and wise quest for the meaning of
       effort to develop a vaccine for Covid-19,   flourishing. And best of all? You’ll enjoy the   life after youth and how to navigate the
       charting the failure and success of every   process.                       menopausal years.
       major vaccine in use.                 In The Power of Fun, Price argues that fun   A deliciously funny and sage guide to
        When the coronavirus pandemic hit, many   will lead to the happiness we so desperately   midlife, it is an unscientific, flaws-and-all
       of the world’s biggest drug and vaccine   seek, and includes a practical plan for how   account  of  one  woman’s  adventures and
       makers were slow to react or couldn’t muster   to incorporate more fun into our daily lives.   misadventures through the dark comedy
       an effective response. It was up to a small   Ground-breaking, eye-opening and packed   of the wilderness years.
       group of unlikely and untested scientists   with useful advice, The Power of Fun won’t just   Through her own experiences as a
       and executives to save civilization: a French   change the way you think about fun. It will   fifty-something woman, and those of her
       businessman dismissed by many as a   bring you back to life.               three sisters, her indomitable mum and
       fabulist, a Turkish immigrant with little virus   Recommended Price R350.00   rebellious auntie, Charlotte tackles the big
       experience, a quirky American Midwesterner                                 questions every woman seeks answers to
       obsessed with insect cells, a Boston scientist                             at this time of life, chiefly: How the hell am
       employing questionable techniques, and a                                   I going to get over no longer being young
       British scientist despised by his peers. They                              in a world obsessed with youth?
       scrambled to turn their life’s work into life-                               Written with warmth, wisdom and
       saving vaccines in a matter of months, each                                irreverence, this guide to midlife is perfect
       gunning  to  make  the  big  breakthrough  –                               for readers of Nora Ephron, Caitlin Moran
       each one wanting to beat the others for the                                and India Knight.
       glory that a vaccine guaranteed.                                           Recommended Price R370.00
        Meticulously reported and endlessly
       gripping, this is a dazzling, blow-by-blow
       chronicle of the most consequential
       scientific breakthrough of our time. It’s
       a story of courage, genius, heroism, and
       optimism. It’s also a tale of heated rivalries,
       unbridled ambitions, crippling insecurities
       and unexpected drama.
       Recommended Price R350.00

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