Page 13 - Irene Issue 10 2024
P. 13
Estate News
and support services. She works with still trying to come to grips with their
current students as well as alumni feelings.
from the school through their Saturday
classes, and is privy to the pressures Asking for help
and hardships faced by teenagers in the Lekana says that although most teens
township. don’t feel comfortable asking for help,
She says that while many teens many of them will unconsciously be
experience the dangers of peer pressure, seeking it through their behaviour.
with depression it is more often than not She warns that a teen who has
a sense of displacement and a feeling of withdrawn and wants to spend most
being misunderstood that leaves them of their time alone or in their room, is
with more severe mood imbalances. in trouble. In addition to bottling up
Many of the students she deals with feel emotions, teenagers who constantly
they do not have a person they can lean belittle themselves and have negative
on, or safe space. In some cases, they live comments about others, including their
with an older relative who is not a parent families, may need help.
or in extreme cases, they are themselves Lekana is put in touch with learners
the head of a child-led household. who are struggling, when this is
The age gap, or lack of a close bond, recognised by teachers in the classroom
makes difficult subjects even harder to but often met with resistance by the
approach. A lack of parental supervision teen’s family. She says the biggest
is harmful, with most teens feeling they hurdle when communicating with
would relate better to a parent than a family members can be the general lack
grandparent or aunt. of knowledge about mental illness, with
The poverty and hardships they face older generations not understanding
often make matters worse. Like all the emotional and psychological part
teenagers, they want to look a certain of what she is trying to explain to them.
way or dress fashionably, but with a lack ‘Soldiering on’ is not always healthy but
of resources this is not always possible, sometimes expected of the younger
leading to comparisons which affect generation. In addition, cultural myths
their sense of self-worth. sometimes leave teens feeling hurt and
are not coping or need additional care Social media only seems to exacerbate misunderstood.
and support are given just that. Her issues like this, as the ‘like’ button has While the subject of depression
role is critical and she has formed a an emotional impact and seeking and suicide can be disheartening, it is
network between the organisations validation through social platforms is comforting to know that organisations
she represents and local counselling treacherous ground for young people are constantly working to change
perceptions and educate others about
mental health issues. The sooner the
stigma that surrounds them is removed,
the more people can be helped to lead
fulfilling lives.
Lekana also has close ties with the
Valued Citizens initiative, and believes
that this will go a long way towards
paving a path to healing. She believes
that school-led workshops for parents,
with informative sessions on recognising
and aiding young people battling with
depression, will be a game changer.
If you or anyone you know needs help,
The Villager • Issue 10 2024 • 11