Page 6 - IFV Issue 4_ 2024
P. 6

Estate News

            diligent monitoring will prevent further   2. Recording Schedule: The cameras   An Interesting Fact
            spread.   Wild olive and  Vaderlands   will operate 24/7, continuously         from our Security
            Wilger trees were planted.        recording footage. However, it’s             Portfolio
                                              important  to  understand that the
            Solar lights                      recorded footage will only be reviewed      • Foot patrols at night:
                       Ongoing  load shedding   in the event of an incident reported   At night, three security officers patrol
                        necessitated    the   within the estate.               the estate on specific routes. They walk
                        installation  of  solar                                an average of 22,9 km per night or 687
                        lights in our estate to   The designated locations are as follows:  km monthly.  Together, they complete
                      bolster our safety and   • Steenbok (Extension 1)        the distance of over seven Comrades’
            security. Ten solar lights will be installed   Corner of  The  Village Main and Royal   marathons to ensure visibility in the
            during this month at specific locations   Oak                      estate and increase our security at night.
                                              • Mongoose - Yellow Tail (Extension 2)
            • Steenbok (Extension 1)          Corner of Country Club and White Heart
            Corner of Royal Oak and The Village Main  Post Office Park
            Corner of Celtis and The Village Main  Yellow Wood Park
                                              North Gate – Country Club
            • Mongoose - Yellow Tail (Extension 2)  North Gate – Rock Maple
            100m from T-junction, Country Club and
            Royal Oak                                    Estate Recycling
            T-junction Royal Oak and Country Club         Efforts Thriving!
            Corner of Paper Bark and Country Lane         I’m delighted to share
            Corner of Chestnut and Country Club           that  our  recycling
            T-junction Silk Oak and Country Club         efforts have shown a
            Corner of  Willow, Queens  Way and   positive increase from 9 380 kg to 9 900
            Yellow Wood                       kilograms collected in February.  The
            Corner of Country Club and Rock Maple  recycling company collects the bags on
                                              Thursdays. You can pick up some green
            • Guiney Fowl (Extension 3)       recycling bags from the estate office
            Corner of The Village Main and Saffron   if you wish to contribute to creating a
            Street                            more eco-friendly environment.

                      CCTV Cameras in the                Proactive Measures
                        Estate                            for Water Leak
                        I am delighted to                 Detection
                        announce  the  launch             During the water meter
                       of the CCTV camera               checks carried out in
            project within our estate. The primary   March, 37 stands were discovered to
            goal of installing these cameras is to   have running water meters. Four stands
            provide valuable footage in the event   required the City of Tshwane to replace   Community Events!
            of any reported incidents, ultimately   the water meters.                       • Give Fitness a Go!
            enhancing the security and safety of our   These water meter checks will be     Residents  had   a
            community.                        scheduled quarterly, aligning with          wonderful time at the
              It is essential to familiarise yourselves   other technical preventive measures   fitness class hosted by RM Realtors. Taking
            with the following important details   under consideration to identify and   care of our health while having a good
            regarding the CCTV cameras in the estate:  prevent subsidence within our estate.   time is always a win-win!
            1. Monitoring and Recording: The   Your ongoing cooperation in upholding
            CCTV cameras will only monitor and   the integrity of our water infrastructure   • Easter Egg Hunt
            record public areas. Private gardens   is crucial for the well-being of our   The Easter Egg Hunt was an enchanting
            and driveways will deliberately be   community.                    morning filled with joy and laughter!  The
            excluded from surveillance.                                        children were ecstatic as they searched

             4  •  Issue 4  2024  •  The Villager
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