Page 20 - IFV Issue 5 May 2024
P. 20
Children on a forest walk at Virginia Bush Nature Reserve. It is used as a
nature venue by Kinship, a local environmental education group, to
establish connections between school children and the forest.
Below: Kinship programme supporters remove alien aquatic weeds from a
Virginia Bush pond.
Aerial view of Virginia Bush. Source: Daily Maverick
Bird species include the Boubou Shrike, Bush Shrike, Flycatcher, impact developmental footprint will destroy or degrade up to
Blue Billed Firefinch, Southern Black Flycatcher, Green Twin Spot 70% of the reserve’s protected natural habitat.
and Purple Crested Loerie, amongst others. Dwarf mongoose, red Despite having been informed in writing by the municipality
and white duiker and spotted genets are also known to inhabit that the area is a protected ‘no go’ development zone, the
the area. consortium has now appealed to the Department of Forestry,
This urban forest is frequently used as a nature venue by a Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) Minister Barbara Creecy to
local environmental education group called Kinship that seeks intervene, citing the city’s refusal as ‘frustrating.’ Creecy indicated
to establish connections between school children and the forest. that developments within a nature reserve “are not necessarily
The trails are also regularly used by a running club and a group prohibited”, but such developments had to be undertaken with the
of concerned citizens, the ‘enviro fixers’, are active in the reserve necessary approvals and in compliance with legal requirements.
removing alien vegetation and repairing trails. The reserve falls The destruction of this valuable urban forest asset must be
under the guardianship of the Durban North conservancy. resisted, particularly since it is protected by law. We urge all
readers as concerned citizens to sign the petition on this link:
Threat to Virginia Bush – Sign up and let your voice be
The Daily Maverick now reports that this protected area is About the author
currently under threat from a local consortium of developers who Dr Jonathan Foley is a lecturer, landscape designer,
are pressurising all three levels of government to sanction their writer and consultant. He may be contacted on
plan of developing a luxury ‘eco estate’ on this ‘vacant land’. The
proposed Northwoods ‘eco-estate’ development includes three
five-story tower blocks and 200 luxury homes. A clubhouse, Photos supplied by Dr Jonathan Foley and Michaela
restaurant, swimming pool, sports field, tennis courts, putting Geytenbeek of the Kinship programme
green, gym and other facilities are also on the cards. This high
18 • Issue 5 2024 • The Villager