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career as my business again. The mind-set shift had a lot to
I don’t think it’s a novel idea to say do with seeing my career as a collection of experiences that
had been building on each other, rather than a chronology of
that if we think about our careers upward progressions.
as our business, then we are all the I realised that I needed to completely rewrite my story. And
CEOs of our careers. And yet, so once I could rewrite my story for myself, and for my career, I
would be able to reposition myself for work that I wanted to be
many of us tend to treat our careers doing, rather than the work I felt I was
limited to doing.
as if we are passive stakeholders in A few years later, and in the midst of an entirely new career
story, I find myself surrounded by people who are also eager
the business, taking direction rather to make career changes but haven’t a clue in what direction.
than determining our direction. These people are my clients. Many of them come to me
wanting assistance in writing their CVs and updating their
LinkedIn profiles – the trouble is, in so many instances, they
have no idea how or where to position themselves. They have
no idea what they want their next move to be.
f the CEO of a company had no vision for the direction of So often they say: “I don’t want to be an XYZ any more, but
the business, and had no grasp on the resources at hand I am only qualified to be an XYZ.” Yes, old me would have
to achieve that vision, the business wouldn’t go very far, related to that! In most instances, long before we work on
would it? It might manage for a while, but at some point their CVs we start having a conversation that helps them to
it would probably come to a grinding halt, with the CEO see the richness of their experiences and competencies rather
Ipossibly taken by surprise. than the history of all the positions they have held.
Yet I see so many of us treating our careers that way – including In Up is not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility, the
myself a few years back. I recall believing that, because I authors (Beverly Kaye, Lindy Williams and Lynn Cowart) suggest
worked hard and had been fairly successful in moving upwards looking at our careers through a kaleidoscope rather than a
in my career, this would continue and that I would feel fulfi lled. telescope – in other words, seeing an array of options where
I took opportunities where they presented themselves (in previously we saw a linear view. They proceed to mention that
retrospect largely when no one else wanted the opportunity), when looking through a kaleidoscope (in which only three
but with no particular strategic vision of where my career was mirrors create the myriad of patterns), what we are seeing are
headed. And at some point I started to feel really stuck. the varying combinations of career options created by the
intersect between our competencies, values and interests.
It was in a moment of feeling particularly disgruntled that I
had an enlightening conversation with a very wise friend. The So if you find that your career is in a rut, that you have stepped
conversation started off with how I was feeling so stuck and out of your career’s driving seat, and you are wanting to get
feeling like I had no options. My assumption was that I was your career on track in 2019, perhaps consider these questions:
stuck in a silo, where I could continue upwards, but couldn’t • When you look at your career as a collection of experiences
branch out, that I would do what I was doing, where I was and competencies, what patterns emerge?
doing it, forever. • What is the kaleidoscope of career
options that emerge when you consider
My friend saw things quite differently though. At the end of your competencies, your interests and To connect with Briony Liber,
my rambling she identified a number of diff erent directions your values? email: briony@brionyliber.
she thought I could go in, and they had nothing to do with • Essentially, in the business of being com, or visit her website:
my qualifications. It was the start of a process for me that was you, are you in the CEO’s offi ce, or
mind-shifting and ultimately led to my taking control of my some back office taking orders?
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2019 35