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                                                                                    POOPING OUTSIDE THE BOX
                                                                                    Talking of kitties, they may also use their
                                                                                    poop habits as a way of communicating with
                                                                                    us, even though we’d prefer a more polite
                                                                                    method. A common complaint by people
                                                                                    owned by cats, is that their feline poops
                                                                                    outside the designated litter tray. Unless the
                                                                                    stool is abnormal in consistency, this usually
                                                                                    has more to do with kitt’s state of mind, than
                                                                                    his physical health. A simple change of toilet
                                                                                    arrangements may be all that’s required to
                                                                                    settle his nerves.

                                                                                    He may be too big for his tray and consequently
                                                                                    ends up ‘going’ over the edge. Or he may be
                                                                                    stressed by the location of the tray, particularly
                                                                                    in a multi-cat household where he feels he may
                                                                                    be ambushed by another cat while attending
                                                                                    to his toilette, and will choose a more private
                                                                                    Always have one litter tray available per cat in
             blood in it) to a watery bloody diarrhoea, it’s   as its consistency, particularly about the   the home, plus one extra. Place them in quiet,
             usually accompanied by vomiting and the dog   quality of the diet you’ve chosen for your pet.   private places away from the daily hustle and
             is depressed and not eating. The lining of the   High quality, animal-protein based diets are   bustle. Cats are rather particular about the
             entire intestine is damaged with HGE, which   absorbed well by the body and, consequently,   type of litter they prefer, so if your feline is
             leads to rapid and severe dehydration, nausea,   there is less to land on the lawn. If you’re   studiously avoiding his litter tray, try changing
             pain, electrolyte imbalance, shock and the   spending most of your weekend disposing of   the litter medium and it might well have kitty
             risk of septicaemia. Time is of the essence in   poop, it’s time to look at the diet you’re feeding   KDSSLO\ VFULWFKLQJ DZD\ ZLWKLQ WKH FRQÀQHV RI
             getting your dog to the vet and he will need to   your pets. In addition to well-known super-  the tray.
             be admitted for life-saving treatment. HGE is   premium imported pet foods, there are also
             most prevalent amongst smaller breeds and   high-quality locally produced options available.     If your cat is pooping in strange places like your
             highly anxious dogs.                Ask a Twisted Whiskers nutrition advisor to   shoe, your baby’s cot or your new boyfriend’s
                                                 calculate the costs per day of a couple of   briefcase, it’s probably a good idea to enlist
             A common cause of tummy upsets is an abrupt   products - you may be pleasantly surprised at   WKH KHOS RI D TXDOLÀHG SHW EHKDYLRXULVW ZKR
             change of food. Whenever a dietary change is   how cost-effective and affordable veterinary   specialises in cat behaviour to help you decode
             indicated, whether you’ve decided to change   premium diets are.       your moggy’s messages. Twisted Whiskers can
             pet food brands, have taken on a rescue pet                            give you details of our recommended feline
             with an unknown dietary history, or if your   GARDEN DELIGHTS          behavioural consultant.
             vet has recommended a change of food for   As utterly gross as this habit is to us, eating
             medical reasons, always introduce the new food   poop, or coprophagia as it’s formally termed, is   DETERGENT ISN’T A DETERRENT!
             JUDGXDOO\  WR DOORZ WKH SHW·V JXW IDXQD DQG ÁRUD   a perfectly normal behaviour for dogs. Your dog   So what if the proverbial has hit the fan and
             to adapt to the new ingredients. To start with,   won’t be able to keep this little habit a secret   you’re left with a mess to clean up? Don’t be
             split the recommended daily allowance so that   from you, especially when he gets up close and   tempted to use detergent and a liberal dose
             it’s made up 3/4 of the previous diet to 1/4   personal for a smooch, eeeek! Many people   of perfumed spray – it may appear clean to
             of the new product. Feed this mixture for 2 - 3   ZRUU\ WKDW LW·V D VLJQ RI D QXWULHQW GHÀFLHQF\    a human but our pets won’t be fooled. Their
             days. If your pet’s stool remains normal on this   but this is seldom the case. Most often it has a   superior ability to smell will detect any remnants
             mix, go 50:50 and feed this mix for another 2 - 3   behavioural cause.  and they will return to the same site again and
             days. By this stage, your pet should be getting                        DJDLQ  7KH 21/< VXUH ÀUH ZD\ WR UHPRYH HYHU\
             used to the new food nicely and you can taper   Cats generally aren’t poop-eaters, although   trace of faeces, urine, vomit or other organic
             the old diet to 1/4 of the food fed for another   NLWW\ SRRS LV SDUWLFXODUO\ ÁDYRXUVRPH WR   material from any fabric or surface is by using
             couple of days and then stop the previous diet   canines, due to the high levels of proteins and   D SURGXFW VSHFLÀFDOO\ IRUPXODWHG WR EUHDN
             altogether. Stop the process immediately if your   fats excreted.      down the molecular structure of the stains and
             pet shows signs of discomfort on the new brand.                        odours. Twisted Whiskers highly recommends
             Speak to your vet or one of the helpful staff at   Regardless of how normal this habit is in   and stocks the Simple Solutions range, which
             a Twisted Whiskers Deli for advice on a suitable   canines, chances are it’s not something you   includes products that can safely be used on
             alternative.                        wish to live with, so steps need to be taken.   XSKROVWHU\  ODPLQDWH ÁRRUV  FDUSHWV DQG FDQ
                                                 Copronat, available from Twisted Whiskers, can   even be added to washing cycles for clothing,
             ALL ‘BACKED UP?’                    be sprayed onto the food of the pet whose poop   pet bedding and linen. By breaking down the
             This can happen when a pet has either too little   is being snacked on. Copronat does not affect   molecules of the offending material, not only are
             KHDOWK\ ÀEUH RU WRR PXFK LQGLJHVWLEOH ÀEUH LQ WKHLU   the palatability of the food being eaten, but it   the stains and smells removed at source, but
             diet - check with your vet or Twisted Whiskers team   luckily makes the pet’s poop very unpalatable.   pets won’t be attracted back to the same areas
             member whether the diet you’ve chosen for your   Continuous use for a few months should be able   again at a later stage.
             fur-baby is complete and balanced and supports   to create an aversion to poop eating in a foul-
             gut health.                         mouthed canine.                    Who knew there was this much to say about
                                                                                    poop? No wonder it’s a topic we spend much of
             Other possible causes of constipation may be   Or you could try an old wives’ tale that, by all   our time discussing in the veterinary pet-care
             eating foreign objects like stones, bones, toys,   accounts, works well. A small amount of raw   industry. Twisted Whiskers staff are always
             fabric, etc. These can all cause nasty blockages   baby marrow (courgette) or pineapple, grated   ready to talk poop with you, so please don’t be
             which may end up having to be removed by your   over the pet’s food, will undergo enzymatic   embarrassed - we’ve heard it all before and
             vet using enemas or even surgery.    changes in the gut that makes the end product   will do our best to help you get to the bottom of
                                                 super-unappetising. Or so the legend goes. You   your pet’s bothersome bowel movements.
             Increasing your pet’s exercise, adding some   have nothing to lose by trying it - dogs enjoy
             cooked pumpkin to the diet or treating with an   VRPH YHJHWDEOH PDWWHU LQ WKHLU GLHW DQG ÀQG
             over the counter product like Laxapet may help   WKH VZHHW ÁDYRXUV SOHDVDQW  WKLV ZLOO DOVR QRW
             for the occasional hard stool. However, chronic   affect the overall nutrient balance of their diet.
             constipation results from underlying medical
             conditions that will need additional treatment.   And if you have a serial poop-eater on your hands,
                                                 ensure that the garden is kept clean of waste at all
             GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT             times and that kitty litter trays are out of reach of
             The amount of poop can tell as many stories   anyone who has no business near them....

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