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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 23
3.0 Invoice Template
Entity: Kyalami Estates
Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
Entity Reg No:
Invoice Date: xx May 2019
The tug-of-war we face daily has been accelerating, the So how do we build our Galvanizers into powerful Challenger-
challenges are amassing and their strength sometimes fl atteners? Starting with ourselves, let’s look at some of the
Bill to:
appears overwhelming. Crime, gender violence, corruption, things we could do:
unemployment, xenophobia . . . the list goes on . . . so what do • Harness love, a potent Galvanizer. How can we show love to
we do? everyone around us, every day? How would it feel to react with
Attention:xxxxx xxxxx Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
kindness and compassion to each person we come into contact
Let’s ‘unpack’ the tug-of-war, and the two teams. In fact, let’s Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
refer to it as the tug-of-life because our end-goal is to have Life. • Harness honesty. Only speaking the truth. Not doing anything
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
Quality, fulfi lling, happy Life. The Challenger team (all the bad dishonest. Not cheating, not stealing, not engaging in an affair.
stuff) is powerful and tugging with great gusto, but they will How would that be?
quickly be disempowered if we harness enough Galvanizers • Harness patience. Breathing deeply and sending rays of love
(the invaluable aspects and actions that get our life to where we towards anyone who stresses us.
want it) to tug for us. • Harness diligence and quality work. Doing our best and
Tax Reference:
Account: Your Reference: delivering top productivity and results.
So what are the Galvanizers we need to harness? How do we • Harness proactive parenting. Striving to be a positive role-
Kyalami Estates
Kyalami Estates
Kyalami Estates
even start to disempower the violence and other negatives that model at all times; enhancing communication; having family
are on the go? The best place to start is with ourselves. How mealtimes regularly; making time for family activities; loving;
do we envision our Goal Person? (What’s our best self and the laughing; engaging.
positive outcomes we strive for?) • Harness boundaries and self-discipline. Taking time to defi ne
the line we won’t cross.
Then let’s look at our Goal Family, Goal Career, Goal • Harness God. For those who believe in a Creator, this
Unit Price
Tax Reference:
Community and ultimately, our Goal Country. What do we presents a most powerful Galvanizer.
want to achieve and be respected and remembered for? • Harness healing. If trauma, bitterness, anger or past hurts
R000 0000
R000 0000
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Do we want peace, love at the core of everyone’s actions, exist, you can bring release and healing through counselling/
R000 00000
R000 0000
Xxxxx xxxxxxx
well-being and prosperity for all? What Galvanizers will get us therapy.
there? • Harness thoughts and choices. Ask: “Are my choices leading
me towards, or away from, my Goal Person (Goal Relationships,
Identifying the Galvanizers is easy. Remembering to Goal Country…)?”
harness them daily needs focus. Love, honesty, kindness,
Sub Total: R000 000.00
forgiveness, proactive parenting, fidelity in marriage, self- Imagine if all of us (including our leaders) tried a Galvanizer-
VAT 15%: R000 000.00
discipline, tolerance, patience, generosity, diligence, best focused approach. Challengers would fade away, and love,
Total: R000 000.00
efforts (and hundreds of others) all await to be put to daily tolerance, honesty, hope and prosperity would fl ourish. Families
use. and businesses would thrive. Young people would make life-
enriching choices and their future would be fi lled with possibility
If the Challengers are to be fl attened, there’s no time to be and opportunity.
Account Name: Kyalami Estates
wasted on wallowing in self-pity, being in victim-mode or coming
up with an array of excuses. The Galvanizers need to operate at A Utopian dream? No! It’s a choice! What will each one of
Bank: Investec
peak effectiveness so all our energy needs to go to honing their us choose to do? What will our leaders choose? If we want
Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
power. Account Type: Current to steer our future, the time to decide and act is now!
Branch Code: xxxxxx
Estate Office & Administration
Tel: (011) 468 3001/2 | Fax: (011) 468 1246
For more information about Life Talk’s workshops
and talks that address the challenges faced by teens
PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
(and by parents), visit
38 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 4 • 2019