Page 9 - Issue 2 Kyalami Connect
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Climate change is a hot topic and it’s evident from melting ice caps to burning continents
that the Earth is in need of rescuing. It’s imperative that we recycle and make changes
to our eco-habits, but we need to look at what we shouldn’t be recycling, too.
1. Plastic Bags: You’d be surprised how many people add recycling bin. Whether they are clean or dirty, they go in
soft plastic bags to their recycling bin, or even bag the trash. There are some compostable nappies, but most
their recyclables in plastic before disposing of them. municipalities do not accept them in municipal compost
The problem with soft plastic bags is that they can clog bins.
machines and slow down operations while workers remove
the bags by hand. It’s best to bring your own reusable bags 9. Shredded Paper: This one may seem surprising. Shredded
with you when you’re out shopping to eliminate the need documents and small bits of paper are too small to be
for a plastic bag. You can also recycle soft plastic at many valuable to recyclers and fall through the cracks or can
grocery stores. even clog equipment. The good news is that shredded
paper can be composted! If composting isn’t an option,
2. Pizza Boxes: If it’s got food stains or grease on it, it you can collect shreds in a paper bag, staple it closed and
doesn’t belong in recycling. Lucky for us pizza lovers, place it into the recycling bin.
cardboard boxes can be composted as can other food-soiled
papers, so long as they’re not lined with plastic. A good 10. Coffee Cups: Most takeaway coffee cups are lined with
example is take-out boxes - check the bottom of the boxes a plastic film that makes them liquid-proof and, therefore,
to see if they are labelled as compostable. difficult to recycle. The plastic lid might be recyclable,
but it will depend on what type of plastic is accepted by
3. Gift Wrap: Shiny, metallic wrapping paper and decorative your local municipality. The paper heat sleeve that goes
ribbons do not belong in recycling. Glittery cards are also around the cup to protect your hand is really the only
non-recyclable and can contaminate an entire bin of paper. part of a takeaway coffee cup that is likely recyclable or
When wrapping a gift, opt for an unlaminated paper, like compostable.
brown paper, or use a simple gift bag and tissue paper.
What about polystyrene? Many people believe that
4. Small metal bits: While bits of metal like cold drink polystyrene is non-recyclable. But that’s actually not true.
can tabs and aluminium sweet wrappers are technically Unlike most single-use, coated paperboard foodservice
recyclable, their small size makes them hard to detect and packaging materials that are not recycled because the
they often jam recycling machinery. To avoid this issue, coating and paper cannot be separated economically,
keep soda tabs attached to the cans or drop them inside polystyrene materials can be reprocessed and moulded
the cans when you’re done. into new packaging products. The recycling of polystyrene
is within everyone’s reach and can be done easily with
5. Receipts: Although the thermal cash register receipts you the help of the Polystyrene Packaging Council. Visit their
receive from a grocery store or boutique are made from website and click on their link: www.polystyrenepackaging.
paper, they also contain Bisphenol A, aka BPA, the nasty for more information.
cancer-causing chemical. When you recycle receipts, the
BPA that they contain gets processed with other paper Either way, a better option is to say “no” to disposable
pulp and contaminates the recycled paper products that cups and bring your own reusable coffee cup with you when
are being produced. If you don’t need the receipt for you’re on the go.
bookkeeping purposes, it’s best to tell the cashier “no
receipt” when you’re shopping, or throw it in the litter bin 11. Frozen Food Packaging: Freezer food boxes and ice cream
Establishing the Visual Layout: Signature on green layouts
and wash your hands. cartons contain a plastic polymer to prevent freezer burn.
Unfortunately, this plastic coating prevents the box
6. Food Residue: Cleaning out food and beverage containers or carton from breaking down in the recycling process
before you recycle them is just as important as placing and, as mentioned before, the coatings and board
them in the right bin. Food residue and liquids left in cannot be separated economically. Gable-topped milk
condiment containers, peanut butter jars and even wine and juice cartons are also made from a paper/plastic
bottles can contaminate an entire truckload of recyclables. hybrid to prevent leaks, and shelf-stable cartons (sold
Containers don’t have to be perfectly clean, but they should in a rectangular box) contain additional plastic and
be rinsed and washed with soap if they’re greasy. aluminium layers, making them even more difficult to
recycle. While some recycling companies/municipalities
7. Broken Crockery: We’re all prone to breaking things. accept cartons for recycling, many do not, so it is best
Unfortunately, broken plates, ceramics, porcelain, mirrors, to check.
light bulbs, cups, wine glasses and Pyrex have different
melting points and chemical compositions compared to Hopefully, this list of recycling offenders has provided
recyclable glass and belong in the trash. some clarity about what does and does not belong in your
recycling bins. Refusing over-packaged items at source,
8. Nappies: Yuck, and no! Hopefully, it’s no surprise that in the stores, is also a good way to reduce your carbon
dirty diapers and sanitary products have no place in the footprint.
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2020 7
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible 2.0 The signature can also be placed on multiply on the green primary colour. It is set to a 3rd size of height.