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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 23
3.0 Invoice Template
In an age filled with
social media, Tinder
and virtual dating,
are we creating the
proper foundations
for a healthy
relationship? INVOICE
Entity: Kyalami Estates
Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
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his seems to be the time of high- Invoice Date: xx May 2019
speed relationships, where one
can simply, with the brush of a
Tfinger, swipe and instantly decide
on the fates of potential partners. Call me Bill to:
old-fashioned, but it takes a lot more than
a mere gesture to find love. Not that I have
anything against dating apps. Many of my
Attention:xxxxx xxxxx
close friends have found true love with Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
the help of technology. But what is often Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
overlooked is that this is just the first step in PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
the long journey to love and marriage.
Let’s fast forward a bit. Those who have
been in love know how euphoric it is, but How does your family celebrate special Have a chat with a long-term, happily
what happens when the honeymoon phase Your Reference: Tax Reference:
married couple.
passes? What happens when you move Ask them:
Kyalami Estates
from in love to just love? Kyalami Estates Kyalami Estates
Babysit a friend’s or family member’s kids
What is their secret ingredient to a happy
together. marriage?
Many people will argue that love is enough, You can ask each other questions like: What advice can they give you?
but is it? Those who are in a long-term How did your parents discipline you? How do they keep the romance alive?
relationship or stable marriages will tell you How did you feel about it?
that when times get tough, or money gets Do you want kids? This all may seem like a lot of effort (and
totally unromantic) for dating, but just like
tight, or when someone falls ill, or when Unit Price Tax Reference:
R000 0000
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
babies arrive – love is just not enough. Do a competitive activity together. R000 0000 a house needs a solid foundation to last
R000 00000
Xxxxx xxxxxxx
R000 0000
The relationship requires compassion, Competition can tell you a lot about his/her through the storms, so do relationships.
understanding, communication, honesty, character.
respect and the willingness to make it work. Marriage and children may not be future
And it takes guts! Marriage is not for sissies Take a turn to prepare and cook a meal. pursuits for you, and that is ok. It is ok to be
(neither is parenting for that matter). Sub Total: R000 000.00 single. It is ok to be married and not have
Ask each other:
Who did the cooking in your house?
VAT 15%: R000 000.00 children. It is also ok to not be married and
Life is complicated enough without the What foods do you love? have children. Your life is yours to live and
Total: R000 000.00
added stress of unhealthy relationships. So Did your family sit down together for meals? experience – just make sure you live it with
to set yourself up for success while still in Who cleaned up and why? integrity and gratitude.
the courtship phase, here are some great
guidelines to help you decide whether or not Budget for a holiday or a day out. Money is
Account Name: Kyalami Estates
your partner is right for you. often the reason couples fight. Gaining an
Bank: Investec Michelle is a life and wellness
understanding of what your partner believes
about money early on can save you in more
Spend a day going through your photo Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx guide, mentor and coach based in
ways than one. Money should never be a
albums and baby pictures with your Account Type: Current Fourways. For more information,
partner. Ask each other questions like: Branch Code: xxxxxx
taboo subject in a committed relationship.
Where did you grow up? Start the conversation now by asking: or to get in touch, visit
What were you like as a child? Estate Office & Administration
What lessons did your parents teach you
How was your childhood? Tel: (011) 468 3001/2 | Fax: (011) 468 1246
about money?
What values does your family have? Email:
Do you value spending or saving, and why?
PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
28 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2021