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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 23
3.0 Invoice Template
computer shop
recently tried to
interest me in an
A encyclopaedia on
a DVD. To test its usefulness I
asked the assistant to ‘pull up’
(as we aficionados say in our
special computer language) the
subject of ‘Pretoria’.
Very quickly he had a map of
South Africa on the screen with the
flag flying in the breeze and I dutifully INVOICE
snapped to attention as it played
some bars of our national anthem.
Then it imparted a couple of hundred THE MIGHTY
words on Pretoria. Strictly speaking, Entity: Kyalami Estates
Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
between you and me, this is about all Entity Reg No:
Pretoria is worth but you don't have APIES RIVER
Invoice Date: xx May 2019
to listen to me because I am from
Greater Johannesburg - a 10 000
word metropolis - and very biased. Bill to:
What grabbed my attention was this:
"Pretoria is built on both banks of Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
Attention:xxxxx xxxxx
the Apies River in the foothills of reputation that has been bestowed centre of South Africa's famed capital!"
Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
the Magaliesberg". upon its Apies River. I have suggested (No need to mention it is only a few
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
to the city's tourist office on the Left hundred metres further on).
Oh wow! It sounds like a mixture of Bank that the Apies is worthy of being
Rome and Karen Blixen's farm in featured as a great tourist attraction. "Like Budapest, London, Paris and
Africa. But, in truth, the Magaliesberg This little river has the distinction Penzihnskya Buba, Pretoria straddles
a busy waterway!" (It is indeed busy
is still saving up for foothills and, as Your Reference: Tax Reference:
of being a tributary of the mighty
for the Apies, it is a small stream Kyalami Estates Kyalami Estates ─ there are always whirligig beetles
Limpopo and its name refers to the
Kyalami Estates
which one can step across in several little vervet monkey, a species whose buzzing round its surface and you
places. males are something of a tourist should just hear the frogs at night!)
attraction in themselves on account
Ever since Winston Churchill, as an of their bright blue parts. "The more adventurous can press
escaped prisoner during the Boer Unit Price Tax Reference:
on with their trackers, beyond the
War, had to ‘negotiate’ the Apies (as We can use the river’s reputation city centre. Watch out for lion and
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
R000 0000
R000 0000
a historian put it), this stream has to offer the world a REAL AFRICAN elephant! From here you can see the
Xxxxx xxxxxxx
R000 0000
R000 00000
been considered by those who have ADVENTURE! We can invite tourists Big Five!" (This is because the river,
never seen it, to be a mighty river ─ to "Come to Pretoria and journey now flowing through a storm water
perhaps not as mighty as the Nile, along one of Africa's most famous culvert, passes through Pretoria
but mighty all the same. Sub Total: R000 000.00 Zoo.)
rivers, the Mighty Apies! Begin at its
VAT 15%: R000 000.00
source in the mysterious Fountains
Valley where the big cats hunt by
I am not saying that Pretoria does Total: R000 000.00 "... so, as we say farewell to the tall
NOT straddle the Apies. It definitely moonlight." (The cats, 'Rufus' and giraffe and wildebeest, our safari
does. And the Apies is indeed a river. 'Tibby-tats', are owned by the lady goes on to meet the Mighty Pienaar’s
It is even deep enough for fish in one in the tea-room and they hunt mice. River. The more adventurous can cut
Account Name: Kyalami Estates
or two places. It rises near the café in And they ARE big.) across to the mysterious Lost City of
Bank: Investec
Fountains Valley and then goes past Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the late Sun King, Sol.”
the city hall in a concrete culvert. It Account Type: Current
"Then cross the Mighty Apies where
does not really go anywhere before Branch Code: xxxxxx TARIFF: Excluding reasonably priced
Churchill crossed after escaping the
ending in the Pienaars River, still Boers!" (No need to mention one might beads and salt for trading, and buns for
within Pretoria. Estate Office & Administration the elephants, the safari costs a mere
need to remove one’s shoes and socks
or use the bridge). "From here the
Tel: (011) 468 3001/2 | Fax: (011) 468 1246 US$5099. Half price for students.
I believe Pretoria should trade on the expedition strikes north towards the DRESS: Smart casual.
PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
40 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 2 • 2021