Page 32 - Kyalami Issue 3 2021
P. 32
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
3.0 Folder (Inner)
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 23
3.0 Invoice Template
Entity: Kyalami Estates
Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07 Thick Billed Weaver
Entity Reg No:
Invoice Date: xx May 2019
Bronze Mannikin
A few months prior to the lockdown, I started to
Bill to:
work mostly from a home office. With the lockdown
imposing increasing restrictions on us, I was
Attention:xxxxx xxxxx
spurred to start indulging in two of my long-term Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
interests, being nature and photography. Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
We have been fortunate to have lived in the estate
for over twenty years. However, despite enjoying
our home and the supportive environment of Tax Reference:
Your Reference:
the estate, our frenetic lifestyles and often very Kyalami Estates
Kyalami Estates
Kyalami Estates
demanding daily schedules left little time to
genuinely appreciate our surroundings.
Common Moorhen
Blacksmith Lapwing
Description: Unit Price Tax Reference:
Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx R000 0000 R000 0000
Xxxxx xxxxxxx R000 00000 R000 0000
Sub Total: R000 000.00
VAT 15%: R000 000.00
Total: R000 000.00
Account Name: Kyalami Estates
Bank: Investec
Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Account Type: Current
Branch Code: xxxxxx
Estate Office & Administration
Tel: (011) 468 3001/2 | Fax: (011) 468 1246
PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
Cape Wagtail
30 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2021