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Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design  26
 3.0  Folder (Inner)

 Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design                                                                                                         23

 3.0  Invoice Template


                                         Entity: Kyalami Estates
                                    Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07
                                           Entity Reg No:
                                       Invoice Date: xx May 2019
                  KRUGER SHALATI

                                              Bill to:
                   Attention:xxxxx xxxxx
                                                           Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx                   Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx BY JAMES CLARKE AND MARY BROADLEY
                                                             PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
        t’s a specially designed train and it   The government soon realised that   For a birder, this alone was a thrill and I
        stands, permanently, on the century-  tourists were more entranced by the stop-  now wonder which is the better birding
        old Selati Railway Bridge downstream   over on the bridge than by the journey.   vantage point - Selati Bridge, or Lake
     Ifrom Skukuza, Kruger National Park’s   Your Reference:         Tax Reference:
                                                                                  Panic’s famous bird hide, 10 minutes’
                                            People hankered for a chance to stay
                 Kyalami Estates
      main rest camp. Despite the precipitous   Kyalami Estates       Kyalami Estates drive away.
                                            down below in a camp among the giant
      fall-off in overseas visitors caused by   riverine trees with the night-time roar
      the COVID pandemic, ‘The Train on the   of lions and the cackle of hyenas. This   In the hazy distance to the west, one can
      Bridge’ is open to guests.            spurred the 1926 declaration of Kruger   watch spectacular sunsets over the
                                            National Park and the development of its   kilometre-high Drakensberg Escarpment
      The stone-pillared bridge spanning the   first rest camp – Skukuza.  Tax Reference:
                                                                                  while, to the east, one can see the crest of the
                                             Unit Price
      Sabie River provides an evocative link   R000 0000                R000 0000  Lebombo Mountains on the Mozambique
                Xxxxx       xxxxxxxxx
      between the Kruger Park and its 19th   Having known the landmark bridge for   border stretching southwards to eSwatini
                                             R000 00000
                                                                        R000 0000
                Xxxxx        xxxxxxx
      century beginnings. The bridge was built   most of my life, I was anxious to see   (formerly Swaziland) and Zululand.
      in 1893 to accommodate a railway loop   the train, and with photographer Mary
      from the main Delagoa Bay–Pretoria line   Broadley, we went to Skukuza’s revamped  At the end of the Boer War, there was
      and was hastily planned to carry goods   Selati railway station and were cheerfully   uncontrolled hunting along the Sabie
                                            greeted, though, because guests were
      and labour up to the mountain ridge   Sub Total: R000 000.00                and the government called in a Scot,
                                      VAT 15%: R000 000.00
      beyond Gravelotte where a gold rush was   occupying the train, we could not enter   Lieutenant-colonel James Stevenson-
      causing great excitement. But the rush   Total: R000 000.00                 Hamilton, to stop the killing which,
                                            the ‘carriages’ but were taken up to
      quickly fizzled out and investors, including  the bridge. Each carriage is an en-suite   incredibly, he did. A quarter-century later,
      the British government, lost millions.  apartment with a glass wall allowing   he became the first warden when the
                                            guests to either sit in armchairs or lie in
                                     Account Name: Kyalami Estates                region was proclaimed as a national park.
                                            bed observing the elephants bathing and
      The Selati railway became a line to   Bank: Investec                        I met him on his 90th birthday and heard
                                            watching the ever-present fish eagles
      nowhere.                          Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                  first-hand how he took control.
                                            patrolling the river.
                                        Account Type: Current
      In the 1920s, it was re-opened to offer   Branch Code: xxxxxx               He was called ‘Skukuza’ by the local
      tourists a nine-day railway tour of the   On the south side of the carriages, guests   people. One interpretation of his name is:
                                            can stroll along the bridge’s walkway
      Lowveld which included a night on the  Estate Office & Administration         ‘the man who turned everything upside
      bridge looking down at the wildlife of the   or lean against the railing watching for   down’. Fair enough. But some historians
                                  Tel: (011) 468 3001/2  |  Fax: (011) 468 1246
      1. Stay Home by Pedro Ninja      Email:           believe the name given to him by the tribe
      Sabie and experiencing the night sounds,
                                            whatever might be moving about down
      and spotting game as the sun rose.  PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684         living there and who, for centuries, had
                                             For more information and to book a tour, please email Mahidi Maeko
   38  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2021  at or call 011 807 5315.
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