Page 31 - Kyalami issue 4 2021
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The three hour drive was often extended, particularly would alight for tea, coffee and rusks. At one of these stops
when we came across an interesting sighting, and close we had a great sighting of a cheetah with a young cub.
encounters were had with elephants, lions and cheetah. Likewise on the evening drive we would enjoy a sundowner
Then, on returning to the lodge, we were welcomed by in the reserve whilst observing herds of zebra, wildebeest
John’s wife Dominique and her staff who had hot towels and red hartebeest. Dominique and her staff would
on hand to wipe away some of the bushveld dust. Nedile welcome us on our return to the lodge and a pre-dinner
Lodge is not enclosed and zebra and wildebeest often drink in the lounge was then a great opportunity to chat
came quite close to the lodge. Jamieson’s rock rabbit was with John, Dominique and the other guests.
also a frequent visitor.
Nedile Lodge in Welgevonden offers an unforgettable bush
Breakfast was served after the morning game drive and a experience in luxury chalets with excellent cuisine and
light lunch was served at 2pm prior to the evening game hospitality. The staff go the extra mile to ensure that guest
drive which commenced at 3pm. During the morning game requirements are all catered for. Special rates are on offer
drive, John would stop the vehicle at a suitable spot and we for SA residents, making Nedile Lodge very affordable.
Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 4 • 2021 29